There's No Place Like Home

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It was an ordinary day for Niall

He woke up with the goody two shoes brother (Josh) in his face

"Niall wake up before I tell mum, I don't want to be late for school again" Josh said

As Niall covered his ear, his mum came in

"NIALL, YOU GET UP THIS INSTANT" Nialls mum demanded

Now, Niall did not have any other choice but to get up and get dressed

He did so,

School was no different.....class, break, class, class, lunch, class

As his school day came to an end he arrived home , threw his bag on his bed and took a nap

The next day was the same routine, and the next, and the next

But little did he know that today was going to be a complete nightmare

As Niall arrived in school, a bell ran, no-one knew what this bell meant but the teachers did

Niall's Teacher (Mrs Shelly) Said In A Calm Voice "Children This Bell Is Not A Good Thing I Need You To Go Get All Your Stuff Together and get that gas mask we made"

Niall and his class mates did so and mrs Shelly guided them to the playground

There Niall saw what he never EVER wanted to see ....

He saw bombs crashing,planes/cars colliding, and scariest of all, he saw dead bodies EVERYWHERE!!

Mrs Shelly told the children not to panic, but they were scared, they were scared for their lives

The other children gathered with Nialls class

But Niall was lost .....

He had lost mrs Shelly

"Mrs Shelly? Mrs Shelly where are you" Niall said in a panicky voice

Little did Niall know that he was mixed with the children who were going to be evacuated

Niall got onto a train ....

There he made a new friend called George

George&Niall were both going to wales

But Niall did not know that

Days later they arrived

Niall ran&ran miles into no-where

He was lost, He was confused

Luckily George followed him

&Took him to where he was supposed to be

They went to a big hall

And there were thousands of other children there

They all were to be taken by an adult all these children were numbered

George&Niall were one of the last children to be chosen ....

"Well Aren't you a cute child" Said a tall blonde lady ...

Niall Spoke ...

"If You're Taking Me ... you're taking George to

They thought why not

As they arrived to the lady's Home

Niall felt homesick

He missed his brother, he missed his morning routine, He missed his family

George wasn't enough for Niall, Niall wanted his old life back ..

Niall then realized that ?. THERES NO PLACE LIKE HOME !! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2014 ⏰

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