The Girl in the Mirror

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I rest my head against the car window.  My tears have dried up now,

but the sadness remains.  I am very much not excited about this move.  I had lived my entire life in the same house.  I went to school with kids I have known since we all started kindergarten together.  Now, here I

am, just getting ready to start my freshman year of high school, and we

are moving.  I sigh loudly when I think about my two best friends, Shane and Dana.  I miss them already.

"Molly, we are almost there," my dad says over his shoulder.  "It won't be so bad, kiddo, you'll see."

"I miss my friends, Dad," I whine.

"You'll make new friends.  You will love our new house," he tries to excite me, but it fails.

Soon, he turns the car into a long driveway.  There are several tall trees on each side of the driveway.  The house is big.  Too big for just the

four of us.  I see mom's car already parked in the driveway near the

garage.  I get out of the car and stretch.  I look up at this huge

house.  One of those really old, plantation style houses.  It does not

look inviting to me, in fact, it looks rather creepy.

I head inside, carrying a small suitcase, my purse,  and a duffle bag with me.   I drop the stuff just inside the front door.  I look around the entry hall.  There is a room to the left, a room to the right, and in front of me a hall way that runs beside a grand staircase.  Wow, it is like something from a movie.

I hear a noise off to my right.  I turn and walk into what appears to be a library or office type of a room.  I follow a hallway off the back of that room to the kitchen.  I find my mom and sister in there.  I start helping unpack the boxes.  We work quickly, wanting to get the kitchen to the point of being functional.  At some point, dad orders pizza and we take a break to eat dinner. 

Once the kitchen is done, I am exhausted.  I feel dirty, so I go upstairs to take  shower.  I dig through my suitcase and find my toiletries.  I grab a pair of shorts and a t-shirt and head to the bathroom.  The hot water feels  so good.  It has been a long day.  I am standing at the bathroom sink, brushing my hair, when I glance in the mirror and jump.  I spin around quickly.  I swear I saw someone in the mirror, standing behind me.  I have chills and am totally creeped out.  I hurry out of the bathroom. 

I unpack a few of the things for my room before I lay down. I try to sleep, but this place is foreign to me leaving me uncomfortable.  I toss and turn for a while before I finally drift off to sleep.  My sleep is restless and plagued with weird dreams.  Dreams of a dark haired girl running around the halls of our new house.  In my dream, the mystery girl seems frightened as she runs.  In my dream she runs into my room and slams the door behind her.  At that moment, I wake with a start.  I sit straight up in bed, my heart pounding in my chest.

It is dark in my room, but moonlight streams in through the window.  I look around the room, trying to shake the feeling of panic that is practically suffocating me.  Out of the corner of my eye, I think I see movement near the door.  I jerk my head but see nothing there. I look back towards the window and I hear a creaking sound.  I look back across the room and my bedroom door is now open. 

I do NOT like this.  Not one bit.  I feel like a frightened little kid.  I do not want to stay here alone, but I am too scared to get up.  I sit in my bed, almost in tears. 

Then I hear it.  Softly.  "Molly"  A female voice calls.  I shake my head.  I am hearing things.  "Molly" There it is again.  I feel compelled to follow the voice, even though I am shaking I am so scared.  I get up from my bed and tiptoe to the door.  I peek out into the hall and look both ways.  I do not see anything.  "Molly" the voice calls again.  It seems to be coming from the end of the hall.  I creep down the hall, listening carefully.  There is a light on in the bathroom at the end of the hall.  I step into the bathroom, my eyes adjusting to the light.  I notice the window is open, I go over to shut it.  As I go to leave the room, I glance and the mirror and freeze. 

There in the mirror, just over my shoulder I see a dark haired girl.  Her hair is a tangled mess, and her eyes are dark and sunken in.  Her skin is an ashy color.  I stare at her and know that I have seen her before.  Running through the halls of this house in my dream.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2014 ⏰

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