Chapter 1

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"Caleb, Don't wander too far away, Alright?" My mom calls from our house as I was running to the forest where my secret hideout is. "Whatever! I whined and ran faster. I giggled and climbed over tree stumps and big roots. I looked up and saw something in the sky. "Whoa! A falling star!

That's weird, it's day time." I say to myself. I grinned and watched it. May as well make a wish before somebody else does. "I wish I had a friend. One who will play with me everyday and won't make fun of my freckles." I sighed and watched the star fall. I was pretty big.

It looked like it was heading to my tree house. "Hey!" I yell and started running again. The ground started to shake once the star landed. I fell over and scraped my knee. "OW!" I yell and hold my bleeding knee. I looked up and see there's this alien looking ship that's in my tree house!

I stood up and looked at the smoking ship. My tree house was ruined. "Not cool!" I pouted. I ran to my tree house and climbed the ladder and squeezed under the space ship and crawled inside my broken tree house. "Hello?" I walked around some more. I could hear the ship squeaking.

I thought I heard a voice, muttering bad words. "Hey! Who's in my tree house! I'm the only one who's allowed to be in here! You ruined my tree house!" I yelled. The ship was making weird noises. Suddenly a door open and someone jumps out. I could tell by his height that he was an adult.

"Who are you? You're not allowed here! I'll fight you!" I held up my fists. When he walked into the light, I could finally see what he looked like. He had orange hair, pale skin, light brown eyes with a little bit of green in them. He was wearing a fancy blue dress suit and a black tie!

In one of his hand was a gun! "N-never mind! I won't fight you!" I backed away from him and tripped. He walked up to me and knelt down in front of me. I light came out of his eyes and it shone on me, almost like a scanner. "Whoa..." I breathed. He scanned me from head to toe.

He made his light thing go away and then he turned into me! He, I, me? The pretend me smiled. "Hi! I'm G! I'm an alien!" He said in my voice! My mouth hung open. "How did you do that?" I asked. "I'm an alien, that's how. What's your name?" He asked. "Me? I'm Caleb.

So you're really an alien?" He nods. "Cool!" He changed back to his real self. I stood back up. "What planet is this?" He asked, looking around. "Earth, sir." G looked at me. "Are you sure? There's not much here. Just wood and some strange toys. Not to mention it's dark."

I giggled. "No, weirdo! There's more of earth outside!" I laughed a little. "Okay. So you're a human then. You're really short for a human." I crossed my arms. "I'm only six years old. Of course I'm going to be short." He raised both of his eyebrows. "Hm, no wonder, you're still a child.

Only 6 million years old." I scrunched up my face. "What are you talking about? I can't live that long! Just think of how old and wrinkly I would be if I could!" I said. "I don't understand. Is that not how humans age?" I shook my head. "Nope! Most of us don't even live to be a hundred."

G nods. "I see. You live a very short life span." I said. "Well, how old are you?" I asked, watching him look around. "36 million years old." My mouth hung open again. "Wow! You're really old!" He looked at me with a sour look and I gulped. He sighed and kept looking around.

"So why are you here?" I asked. "Oh. I crashed landed here. My people were under attack and I fled. Unfortunately, I was separated from Lola, my only friend." He looked sad now. "I'm sorry to hear that. Hey, I'll be your friend." G looked at me and smiled.

"Friends help each other. I'll help you get back to your friend." G smiled more and ruffled my hair. He giggled and moved my head away. "So, how can I help?" I asked. "Well first, I need to repair my ship." "Oh, I can go get my dad's tool box! I'll be right back!" I crawled out of my tree house and ran home.

I finally have a friend!

"Imaginary" Friend (Alien! Gerard Way)Where stories live. Discover now