Fight For Me

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Hey guys, I know I said I wouldn't be updating, but I will now since I'm starting this FanFiction, I'm trying to update, really.

So I'll update a chapter for every book, but that's it, Arraso?

My tummy hurts too and I'm just watching adventure time like, wtf? XD Ok, well. Where shall I begin? Oh! I'm doing a little "Thing" all you have to do is comment who your bias is, and/or if you want the chapter dedicated to anyone, so DM me, or comment telling me

-Your age




-Main Idea(Optional)

-And how long you want the chapter to be. Yes, I'm letting you choose, so I'll try and whip something up for you fantastic people. I'm doing this On my other book I'm going to make, called "You Had Me At 'Hello' " cheesy, huh?

This FanFiction is about..




















Ren! This is a FanFiction that includes you! But I won't be doing third persons Point Of View, you know that "You wondered down the alleyway as he chased you"

More like this

"I wondered down the alleyway as he chased me."

Arraso? Kayy' It's 10 right now so ima just update now!

Bye smexy peeps!

ㄱㅅㄱ Oh, btw, I dunno if what I just explained mad sense, but what I mean in "other book," is I'm going to make a book where your request will be, like y'know.. XD ughh I dunno how tf' to explain it ㅠㅂㅠ ㅇㅅㅇ


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