The Boy Who Loved The Werewolf

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The dirt on the ground was wet from the storm, soaking my paws as I ran through it. It is cold, chill winds pierce through my fur, making me shudder. But I only keep running. I can see the lights of my house a few hundred yards away. I run faster towards them. I can hear paws pounding against the ground behind me, I pick up my pace.

A hard head connects with my side and I go flying into a tree. I whimper and stand up, shaking off the pain. I look at who pushed me and growled, tackling him to the ground. I bite at his neck and he pushes me away with his hind legs. I grab his scruff firmly and growl.

"What the hell are you two doing now?!" I hear my father shout from the house. I get up and prance toward the house, all high and mighty. When I get up to the house, I'm already back to normal, pulling on my shirt.

"Hello dad. What are you doing awake?" I ask as I step around him into the house. He follows after me and rolls his eyes.

"What were you and Jeremiah fighting about this time?" he asks, I smirk. Jeremiah is my brother, he's a year older than me. We are always fighting because of something stupid. He attacked me because I pushed him in the pond.

As I am about to answer, he comes stomping into the house. "She is such a pain in my ass!" he shouts, pointing at me.

"Well you're no picnic in the park either." I stick my tongue out at him. I really do love my brother, I go to him with all my problems. He's like my best friend, I only piss him off like I do because it's funny to see his reactions.

"Oh quiet both of you." a new voice enters the conversation. I run and see my mother striding toward us, a small smile on her face.

"Lawrence, honey, you promised a night out tonight." she pouts at my dad, he smiles at her and kisses her head. I smile at my parents, 322 years and they still love each other. I am always amazed by their love for one another.

"Dad, where's Oliver?" Jeremiah asks suddenly, I look at him and smile.

"Probably at work with Morgan." I say, Oliver is the oldest of the three of us. He's twenty two. He's my partner in crime, whenever I need someone to help me, he's there. If I need to paint pinstripes on a lame PT Cruiser, then he's there to help. If I need to break into a building, he's there. Anything I need, Oliver is there. Morgan is his girlfriend, and despite what has been written and stated in books. She's not his mate. Werewolves don't actually have mates, there's no Moon Goddess, no process, no love at first sight. And I know this because I've been about everywhere in the world and people I've talked to about my condition, have told me what they know. Apparently, my family are the only living werewolves left in the world. There's five known werewolves left in the world and that just so happens to be my family.

Oh joy.

Morgan, of course, knows what we are because of an accident between me and her. She was jealous that Oliver spent so much time with me and starts a fight between the two of us. I lost control and shifted in front of her. She was surprised and scared, she stayed though. She didn't look me in the eye for a good six months, but she stayed.

She and Oliver have been together for a decade now. They met each other when she was only twenty. Two years after they met, after Morgan turned twenty-two, they left to go find our family friend who gives us all information he can on werewolves to see if we could turn her. He had said yes, so we did. She had to go through this huge ceremony and at the end of it, she turned into one of us. It took her awhile to get used to the whole werewolf thing, but she finally got it.

Another thing, temper. My emotions kind of rule me, if I'm too excited, too angry, too anything really, I shift. I haven't been able to do anything as a normal teenager because I have a really bad temper. Oliver, Jeremiah, and my dad aren't much better.

"Your mother and I are going out. Make sure you get to sleep tonight, you start school tomorrow." my dad grins, I roll my eyes.

"You're so happy about this aren't you?" I ask, he just grins wider and walks away. I groan, school tomorrow. We have lived in this house for. . .twenty five years, and nobody knew we were here. We are secluded in the woods, on the outskirts of a small town. I love my house, it's so beautiful and open. The front side of the house is modern, like a place a celebrity would live and the whole back of the house is windows. It's a place where we don't have to hide at all. Its bulletproof glass too, that's the best part. I walk up the spiral staircase to my room and plop down on my bed. My one wall was a huge window, overlooking the trees and a small meadow. The rest of my walls were mirrors, I though it would be cool to wake up every morning and see the reflection of the forest in my room, and at night, see the moon and stars on my walls. Right now as I walk inside my bedroom, my mirrors are covered with dusk and woods, I could see the sun setting at the top of my mirror and the trees going from bright to dark as the light doesn't reach all the trees.

I smile and pull out my camera, taken a picture of the landscape, this my favorite time of day. And I have thousands of pictures of it, all different, but the same as well. I collapse on my bed and close my eyes.

School tomorrow, why?

We have been here twenty years and I haven't had to attend school until now. Dad says we have to because we can't hide the rest of our lives and we are being forced too. I don't care, but I've never been to school. What was I supposed to do? Oliver told me to be myself, but Jeremiah told me to be a better version of myself. Frankly, I trust Oliver more.

I sigh and pull off my shirt and pants, pulling on a large T-shirt and closing my eyes, hoping for a decent nights sleep before I go to the hellhole children call school.

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