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chim^2, internationalcoconuthead, jinisbetterthanyall, sugagenius, brokenplates, planettae, iamyourhope has entered the chat.

jinisbetterthanyall: okay. now who the heck created another chat when we have like 100?

iamyourhope: i didn't.

planettae: i think jimin did.

sugagenius: #exposed

chim^2: you guys kicked me out of the other ones! Stop bullying me.

chim^2 has been removed from the chat by jinisbetterthanyall.

iamyourhope has added chim^2 to the chat.

iamyourhope: don't worry chim. I got you.

internationalcoconuthead: who freaking charge my username to internationalcoconuthead? now i can't change it anymore!

sugagenius: it suits your appearance.

internationalcoconuthead: but your username doesn't.

sugagenius: you little kid.

jinisbetterthanyall: has anyone seen Namjoon?

chim^2: looking for your husband?

chim^2 has been removed from the chat by jinisbetterthanyall.

jinisbetterthanyall: well isn't this why jungkook doesn't notice you.

internationalcoconuthead: hey stobyit! don't drag me into this.

iamyourhope has added chim^2 to the chat.

internationalcoconuthead: did anyone hear plates shatter?

brokenplates: i'm sorry jin. i think i broke your new set of plates.

jinisbetterthanyall: no wonder your username is brokenplates. it represents all the plates you've broke.

sugagenius: i can't get a good night sleep because all i hear is glass breaking.

brokenplates: i deeply apologize.

iamyourhope: i have a very serious question.

planettae: i'll answer it!

iamyourhope: why are we texting when we are sitting in the same room?

planettae: hmm. i don't know.

planettae, internationalcoconuthead, sugagenius, and brokenplates is offline.

jinisbetterthanyall: well i'm out.

jinisbetterthanyall is offline.

chim^2: bye hope.

chim^2 and iamyourhope is offline.

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