The Power of Apology.(1)

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Lesson reference: Luke 15: 11-24

The first story about the prodigal sob was a parable told by Jesus to some people.

It was about a man with many riches who had two sons. The second son became proud and filled with the desires of the world that he went up to his father and told him that he wanted his share of his dad's property.

Although sin is sin and cannot be measured,  for the sake of this lesson let's grade it. This was a very great sin. This is because it seems he couldn't "wait" for his dad to die and get the property. So he requested for it there and then.

When his dad gave it to him, he went away and spent it stupidly.When it all got finished and he couldn't even get food to eat, he realised his mistake.

And he went back to his father, and apologised  for his actions.

He didn't go and say things like "it was a mistake" or "I was tempted" or "it was the devil".


But he showed deep remorse for his actions and apologised.

It was from his heart.

And just that apology , changed everything.

A lot of us are sometimes faced with situations where we go wrong and out of pride, we fail to apologise.

The thing is, apologising takes a lot of courage. And this story is just to provoke our courage to apologise.

This boy committed a very big sin. But out of remorse and courage, he was able to apologise.

And everything...


Loose your pride and just apologise and everything will be


Thank you so much for reading this chapter and may God bless you.  And remember, apologise from your HEART.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2017 ⏰

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