Telling it

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I was the first one to wake up, I looked at Lisbon, and a big smile appeared all over my face. I didn't believe what happened the week before.

She started to wake up, and settled a gentle kiss in my face, I smiled and responded with another kiss.

-How are you?-I asked once she had totally woken up.

-I'm very happy, I've never been so happy in my whole life. And you?

-I feel the same way.

We started to move and I went to the kitchen to prepare some pancakes. While I was making them, Teresa went to have a shower. Once I finished making breakfast Teresa was already done with her shower. She put her arms around me, and I turned around to face her. She kissed me inmediatly and I didn't go away from her. We kept like that 'till we needed to breath.

-What are you going to do today?- She asked me.

-Well, I think I'll go with you to the FBI, if you don't mind.- I answered her while a put the table to have breakfast.

-I prefer having my husband with me all day.- She said smiling.

-Well then, I'll go with you, and when you're readyto tell the others about this,- I said pointing out her stomach and with a smile in my face- I'll be there with you.

-Mmm, I think we should tell them after the doctor's appointment.

-Ahh, that was at 17:00, no?

-Yes, we should start eating breakfast or we will be late to work.

-Why? I would stay here with you all day if I could, or maybe another thing.

-Yeah, I know it, I would also love it, but we need to get to work.

-Ok, ok. I will go to have a shower while you finish eating.- I saida I got up from the chair.

Before going to the bathroom, I gave her a kiss in her mouth.

After I finished having a shower and changing in to my clothe, the door opened suddenly and Teresa came to the bathroom to vomit. I quickly ran to help her. She had her morning sickness. I felt sad about her, she was very weak and I hate seeing her like that.

-Honey, are you ok?- I asked her when she finished vomiting.

-I don't feel well, but we need to go to work, but I'm worried because they might guess wat's going on, you know.

-Yes, I know, but you need to take rest, you must be exhausted from yesterday. I will call to the office saying that you don't feel well, and later we will go to the doctor.

-But...- She tried to say.

-Do not try to convince me, I do it for your best.

-Ok.- She finished saying.

---Later that day---

Teresa and I went to the doctor , while we were waiting to enter, we were both very nervous. We had been five minutes there when we heard the doctor calling us. We both got up at the same time, but she entered first in the room.

-Hello Mr. and Miss. Jane. How are you Miss Jane.

-Hello Dr Hunt. Well, I have had some morning sickness, but that's all.

-Ok, lets see how is the baby, please lay down there. Do you want to know if it's a girl or a boy?- He asked us.

We looked each other and shook at the same time. She was the first one to talk.

-No, we don't want to know it, we preffer it to be a surprise.

-Ok, here is the baby, see?

Teresa and I were holding each others hand, and that moment was like magic, it felt like nothing bad happened to me and I was sure that I would give every thing to keep him safe, even my life. We asked the doctor if he could give us a copy. When we finishe the doctor told us that nothing was going wrong, so we got the copy and went back home.

We spent the whole night talking and laughing. We both went to bed ready to face the following day.

Please comment if you liked it, and if you have any suggestions comment them!!!

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