Insomnia 💤

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I was always thinking to myself

What could I do to fall asleep?

Since I didn't like bedtime stories

And I wasn't a fan of sheeps.

Every night I lay in bed

There, in the middle of the night

Listen to my upstair's neighbour

Who didn't knew how to be polite.

So I got used to the night noises

My mind don't know what silence is

It tooked me a while to close my eyes

And enter in a state of peace.

And slowly I lost myself

Into a world that no one knows

A place I like to call mine

Made with highs and lows.

After all I'm never sleeping

My mind is an endless machine

Although my eyes are closed

I see a world that no one's ever seen.

Dear soul...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora