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Ah, Valentines Day.  The day where couples show their disgusting affections for each other to the world. Gross.

Doesn't everyone love a good PDA?
(Hence the sarcasm)

But at the moment I don't really care about that. My heart at the moment is racing and so am I to get to classroom 4A to say my speech. This speech is so important to me, I have to claim the title of school representative.

I try to push aside random couples who won't budge as they continuously keep kissing, and I race down the school stairs, not watching where I'm going as I'm struggling to carry all the books and notebooks in my hand.


"Who the heck puts a wall in front of the stair case?" I groan while rubbing my head. As I try to regain my conscious- Dramatic, I know- but I immediately stop what I'm doing as I hear a deep but kind of sexy voice saying some familiar things.

"And as your school representative I promise to help provide... Yada, Yada, and more Yada." Said the voice.

I immediately whip my head up to see that the voice was reading my speech from my notebook. Right as I'm about to scream at his face I immediately think... DAMN. He looked hot. Like hella hot. Behind him were a few other boys-except for the fact that they were snickering at my speech- they seemed alright in the niceness radar.

"What's up with your speech, cutie?" The guy with my notebook asked.

Hold up, did he just call me cute. Wait a second, I'm not falling for that trick. "I have a name." I say with a glare while I yank my notebook out of the guy's hand

"And what may it be?" He asked in a fake poshly manner as his friends snicker behind him.

"Cora, and for your information-" I reply but he cuts me off.

I suddenly see one of the guys tap the dude with my notebook's shoulder. The dude turns around and spots a girl in stylish clothes and has a look on his face that says 'oh snap' as he curses. Then the guy just runs away.

Oh heck no, he did not just steal my notebook! "Hey!" I call back at him as he runs away, "I want my notebook back!"

To my dismay he keeps running away. I turn to his friends who just shrug.

"Shoot." I mutter under my breath.

I start running behind the guy with my notebook. I squint my eyes as I see him enter the janitor's closest. I roll my eyes and enter right behind him.

Suddenly I feel a hand clasp against my mouth, and a whisper to follow after that, "is she gone?" The guy asked.

"Who are you talking abou-" I was about to say until I see the door knob of the janitor's closet shake.

Without any warning, the guy with my notebook crashes his lips onto mine. "What are you-" I was about to say until I realized the door was open, revealing a tall blonde looking angry as ever. But as I'm trying to break the kiss the guy doesn't stop. But as soon as the girl walks away from the janitor's closet  he pulls away.

"What the heck!" I scream.

The guy literally took my first kiss away from me! But then again if it counts I'm pretty sure my mom took it from me first long ago.

"Sorry." The guy said with an awkward smile as I roll my eyes.

I push my black framed glasses up my nose as I say, "why the heck did you kiss me! I don't even know your name!"

"The names Cameron, and why, well I saw a previous one night stand, and you know how it is."

I simply scoff, actually I don't know how it is, I still have my C or V or whatever it's called card. But I'm not telling him that. I'm a nerd and the most unknown girl in the school-probably the most uncorrupted- he doesn't need to think any worse of me as of right now.

He gets out of the closet and into the light as I actually now start to notice his features. He has light brown eyes with green flecks in them, and to compliment his eyes he has dark brown hair, and of course an award winning smile. Even though he's not smiling And instead smirking I can still tell he has an amazing smile. Paired with that he has a white t shirt on and a pitch black leather jacket, and of course black ripped jeans.

"Hey Core, take a picture so the staring will be less awkward." The guy said while still holding onto my notebook.

I quickly shake my head, "seriously, Core? It's not even shorter." I say using my logic on him.

"Well, I just love apples." He says with a smirk as I roll my eyes.

"Well, this has been fun, not really, but I've got to get going." I say as I snatch my notebook out of his hands. "I hope to see you again. Not." I add the last bit with a smirk as I run to classroom 4A.


I stand there awkwardly with a smirk planted onto my face. Behind those frames she actually was pretty cute.

Wait, what the hell am I saying? I have no feelings, I'm a player and I will remain a player.


I enter the class while everyone stares at me. I know I'm late but come on! Only by one minute! I quickly but quietly get seated with my notebook clutched tightly in my hands as I keep my posture in my chair. A good school representative must maintain good posture.

I look around the huge crowded classroom as I see one of the most popular girls in the school sit down in a seat not very far from me. Oh shoot, I'm definitely not going to win.

"Cora." I hear a women sitting in the front of the classroom sternly say.

I take a deep breath and walk up to the front on the class and say my speech. As I say my speech I hear constant whispering and giggling coming from around me. But I remain strong like how I started.

"Thank you Cora, you may take your seat." The lady says after I finish my speech.

I sit back down as the next person is called up to the front of the room.

I suddenly hear a bunch of clapping and wolf whistles coming from the audience. I slowly look up noticing the girl up front flipping her hair and dressed up in designer heels and a very short skirt.

Yep, I'm doomed.

Soon everyone leaves the classroom and turns off the lights, but I stay. I put my head in my hands. I'm screwed if I don't make it to nominations at least. "I'm so screwed!" I scream in aggravation.

"Yeah, I know." A familiar voice says as I whip my head up to be met with Cameron.

God, just looking at him makes my knees feel weak.

"What do you want Cameron?" I groan while placing my head back in my hands again.

"I can get you that spot as school representative." He says with a smirk.

Thank you guys so much for reading my brand new story.

Yes, I definitely will be publishing frequently.

And yes, I know. This is a horrible Cliché but you know what my grandmother always told me? She told me... Meh.

Anyway, stay happy!

PS: you never know when something unexpected happens in this story! Hehehehe!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2017 ⏰

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