Screw ups are what makes life interesting!

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I've always seen life like a motion picture, everyone in it are actually nice people inside, they just got crappy roles.

If you could find one perfect moment to capture on camera, what would it be? So many people search their whole lives for their picture perfect moment. Perfection is over-rated, screw ups are what makes life interesting.

That being said, my morning is cracking up to become the most interesting I've ever had. I'd never screwed up so much in one morning! Well...there was that one morning I slept with my history teacher to pass finals...this was even worse.

I peaked at the naked man asleep beside me praying it wasn't who I thought it was. God obviously knew that I hadn't been to mass in years, because it was him!

My brother-in-law, my recent brother-in-law, and I mean recent! Like his wedding was yesterday, recent. I slept with my brother-in-law on his honeymoon!!!

I'm a bad person!!!

Worse Carly is going to kill me! He stared beside me...Bradley-something. Staring up at me, he grinned.

"How'd you sleep?" He mumbled.

I glared at him. I couldn't believe his first thought was how'd I sleep, after he woke to see someone else on his honeymoon other than his wife. Flattering, yes, but a bit suspicious! He needed to have his priorities in order.

"Look Bradey, Carly's going to want to know where you let's keep this little encounter on the down low " l hissed, scampering for my clothes.

"Izzy-" I held up my hand to stop him.

"For one, you and I arn't friends. Don't call me Izzy. Secondly Baley, you know we can never do this again your a married man!"

"Actually Isabella, I was just saying that my name is Dan, not all the other names you just called me". He grinned.

I would have laughed, if I didn't hear Carly demanding to be buzzed up to his apartment just then.

He grabbed for his clothes, I moved even more quickly. If she caught me up here he'd be in worse trouble than he was sure to be already.

To my family I was the black sheep in a herd of white prize winners, and I mean that laterally. A little black girl adopted by a rich white family. I love my father, but his wife and daughter think I'm a narcissistic nymphomaniac, who's got way too much chances in life.

I was in my clothes, through his apartment window and down the back stairs in a matter of seconds, like a professional. I'd had enough practice taking off and putting on my clothes in record time, at the modeling agency and in married men's beds, the latter more frequently than not.

When I was a kid I always thought of myself as Cinderella, with the loving father and evil step mother...Isabella Rayn, a modern day Cinderella. If Cinderella was a nineteen year old making millions a year posing half-naked, sleeping her way through "Prince charmings", with only one ugly step-sister and a way too good-looking step-brother, and if Cinderella was definitely not blond.


The streets were remarkably crowded for midday...was it always this busy? No really, I'm a night owl I had no idea so much people were up before twilight. I stepped into a cute little café near my apartment. I figured I'd try it out, since it wasn't an all nighter, so this was probably the last time I'd get to sample breakfast.

"How May I help you?"

I nearly ducked under the table. They were on to me! They knew who I was, that I'd slept with my brother-in-law, and worse, they probably saw that i wasn't wearing any makeup!

It took a while for my rational mind to tell me they wouldn't know all that, and that she was looking at me weird, waiting for my order.

"Erm… A coca moca late, no foam" I mumbled regaining my composure. "Oh, and a blueberry muffin"

My career be damned! I shoveled the muffin in my mouth like it was nobody's business-

"Easy kid. It's not going anywhere!" Someone chuckled.

I grinned up at the woman, impeccably dressed, business casual, immaculate bun resting on her head, sparse makeup, a head held so high I doubt she's even seen the designer shoes she put on. I know the type, it's the kind of women who's husbands end up in my arms. A chill ran down my spine thinking of how much crap Dan must be going through.

" I feel like I haven't eaten in days" I said through my full mouth.

She laughed. "A model then" at my look of shock she said "there are few positions for pretty girls around here, and only models starve themselves"

"What are you then" I didn't mean for it to come off so harsh, but she didn't seem to mind.

"I'm a jeweler, it was my father's business" she smiled, showcasing a row of pearly whites. "My name is Angel Snow by the way, and yes that is an odd name." we laughed.

"My name's Isabella Rayn" we shook hands.

Angel Snow, was surprisingly her real name, twenty seven, dispute her seventy drab, divorced ( figured as much), a daughter, four, by the name of Tiara Gayle, no siblings...dead parents, sole owner of 'Halo®' jewellery store. She's a driven, hard working, bad ass single mom, the general translation being; a mega bitch.

If I'd known how much my life was changing by just a hand shake, would I have done it? Well judging from my past epic failures to stay out of trouble...I probably still would have... screw ups are what makes life interesting right?

Hello there! it's the Clumster, and I just wanna say vote and comment plz this chapter was restructured but not changed, and I take photos… for my cover, I'm not a pervert!

If you read my profile you'll know that I know I can't spell, no need to state the obvious. Also this book is for fun I may or may not know ppl like these girls, so don't ask.

I will update if I think ppl are reading and like it, so plz vote and tell your friends the future of this book is in your hands, let the force be with you! ;P

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