cover shop + form

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You've most likely come here for one reason, and one reason only: 

You're looking for a book cover!

Here's the place!


(You can either dm me or comment on this chapter)


Subtitle (Optional):

Theme & Mood:


Short Plot Description:

Main Character Description:

And of course, what do you want the cover to be like?:


There are three options, 

1) Follow this account and my main marauder_, and vote on my latest story on my main.

2) Vote and add this book to a reading list, and follow this account.

3) Comment on any of my stories on either my main or this account, and spam with votes :)


- You have to give me credit in either your prologue, an A/N, or your description.

- Use the cover for at least two weeks, because I spent some time on it, and it would be a shame if it went to waste.

- Don't be beckoning for a full on week, for me to finish it. It takes time, and the more you do that the less I want to do it.

- All the covers will be published in this book, so your welcome for free advertising!


Remember to comment/dm me your form and it will most likely be done before the end of the week (unless you send me a form on Sunday, then the next week)

cover shop ⎮ closed for catchupWhere stories live. Discover now