Because of me the world is full with Zombies now

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I lost my sister some months ago ... She died in a car accident. On a bridge she lost the control, crashed against one other car and her body got stabbed by the glass of her windows.  I wanted her back, I mean who wouldn't?  she was so young.... Just 19 years. Well one day I found a strange letter in Front of my door. ,,You want your sister back, huh? This night you will see  in a dream what you have to do to get her back" , that's what was written inside the letter. I thought it was a joke of some stupid kids but in the following night... I dreamed to stand on her grave I said a magic spell and she came out of her grave... I tried it the next day ... Nothing happened.... Suddenly the people from the other graves came out and then my sister. God i was happy at first but then... She choked me... She got stronger... The other  'Zombies' slowly walked towards me. I got up, took my sister and ran home with Her. I threw her into an empty room and hoped she will be normal soon.. But i already knew she will never be normal again..  I went to sleep but at night some noices woke me ..  A bird flew against my Window... Again and... Again... I noticed that he has wounds like bites of a cat all over his body ... He was a Zombie too. I packed some things and ran to my car... I woke every dead person and animal up, now they are haunting the living humans... The car was destroyed. I threw my bag at a zombie and ran out of my village.

Now i am sitting in an old House. The door is locked... They are trying to break it.. They will break it soon...

Now she's in Front of me... My lovely sister... She bites me... I feel how the poison goes inside... It's over... Finally it is over...

,,Big brother, Wake up ” said the voice of his sister repeatedly. He woke up the half of his body is spoiled. He got up. The streets were full with Zombies.
They will get Us... They will spoil us
Eliminate us humans...

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