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Jean walked into the cafe you worked out he was feeling down after he lost the skating match and you two where the only ones in the cafe . Hey Jean you want the usual medium frappe , you said . Yeah , are you still working after this our are you done . I'm done after this , Oh ok we'll make it two . You smiled ok. After you got his order done you walked over too a table he was sitting at . So Jean how are you doing , I'm doing all right he said , I actually wanted to tell you why I started dating her and ask you something. Oh ok Jean I'm right here for you . (y/n) I started dating her because I hade feelings for you and I didn't know if you liked me too  . You froze you liked Jean ever since you were kids , Jean I always liked you and I still do . He froze and said (y/n) will you go out with me. You screamed OF COURSE I WILL!!! . You where so happy and so was he you got up and hugged him , he hugged back and kissed you on your cheek, you knew you would be happy forever with Jean . As you both walked out the cafe , Jean grabbed your hand , you started to blush , Jean saw and laughed . I never knew someone's face can get that red haha . Shut up Jean , you punched his arm softly. Where are we going anyways you said . Oh yeah where going to the skating rink , I have to practice with the boys and I want you too come . Oh ok , you knew how to skate , so you didn't mind . You where a professional photographer and thought it would be good for the company to get pictures with of the boys skating. Jean pulled out his cellphone and grabbed you close to him and kissed your cheek and took a picture. You hated when someone took a picture of you . Delete it Jean, but you look so nice please can I keep it . Fine . He put it on his Instagram with the hashtag #when your childhood friend becomes your girlfriend. #goals ,#JJstyle . You laughed at the hashtag and you guys where at the rink .

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