Heh... oops!

21 1 3

Heathers POV

I was up before my parents,
If I wasn't, I would get hit. I had my uniform on. I had my teeth brushed. I also had my pitch black hair brushed and put in a long pony-tail. My bangs out and framing my face. I ate some toast and grabbed my bag,slamming the door on my way out... then I took off running. I'm on the track team and the number one runner. My long black hair flying behind me as i run with the toast in my mouth.
I see the school in the distance, so like any other girl, I speed up. I reach the front gate and it was closed, so me being me, I do a cart wheel, pushing myself up in the middle of it, then doing a backflip. When I land on school grounds, I walk to my class, being tardy as always, and see all boys staring with bloody noses in the classroom windows.
I remember that this is a new school, and I sigh, Scarlett and Skya want me to do something for the boys to show them in not a geek, so. I flip em' off.
I look up at them and see them gawking at me, I sigh again and walk into the school. Going to my classroom was easy. Introductions weren't.
You see, I may or may not be the only girl in my class. The rest are boys. And. All the boys are loud, nosey, fuck heads.
I walk in and go to the male teacher, of course, and ask him to quiet them down. He said I have to do it my self. Fuck u, Mr. Drake, fuck u.
I turn on my heel towards the fighting boys and scream.


They all quiet down and shuffled to there seats, all eyeing me suspicious like.

"Now class this is the new student I was talking about, be nice to her please." Mr.Drake introduced me half way and then went back to reading porn star magazines, eww!!!

" haii, my name is Heather skye, touch me I kick your ass, and I'm number one track runner-" i was introducing myself but I was rudely interrupted by a nice gentleman in the front.

Excuse me but I'm the number one track runner" he smirked and I knew he felt good about himself.

I smirked as well "u wanna race?"

By then he was walking too the locker rooms, going to go change, but I was going to the track.
"HEY!!! The girls locker rooms are over there!!" A guy with dark brown hair and green eyes said, as if I was dumb.
I roll my eyes and keep walking.
**Time SkiP bRougHt to U bY a Drunk hAru**

I was sitting in the field when the boys finally came out, the dude I was gonna race with was wearing a spandex... eww!!!
I look at them and stand up, wobbling to my feet. Then I unbutton my uniform jacket and pull down my skirt, I can smell the blood in the air and I guess the wusses were watching me, heh they are lucky I have my tank top and shorts on. I pull out my phone and ear buds, putting 'demons' by imagine dragons on, then I get ready at the finish line.

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