Chapter One: A New Kind Of Challenge

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Trisha woke up earlier than usual that morning, taking in the faint warmth of the still rising sun that casted through her window. Getting into her clothes for the day, she looked to her few trophies that had been sitting on her dresser, along with a few medals she had won. She smiled a bit before grabbing her duffle bag and quickly bouncing down the stairs, nearly falling a few times.

"Heya 'Sis! Good luck with your game today, win this one, and our team will be the best in state! Even better than Willowcreek!" Her freshman sister, Willow, had been excited for the game as well, knowing that with Trisha's help, their school would be the best in basketball statewide, which that very place had been taken by Willowcreek High, obviously their rival team.

"Hah- Thanks Genius, I'll be sure to do my best today.. You should focus more on your practices for soccer! You have the all the potential to get high up in the ranks-.." she laughed as she threw her duffle bag to the couch, soon turning to the kitchen and grabbing a granola bar.

"Pfft-.. Whatever 'Trish.. I have more important things to do.. Besides, the Math Team has a big meet this Friday.. I have to miss practice that day... Er.. 'you think you can tell 'Coach that I have to skip-?" Willow took her bowl to the sink, rinsing it out and plopping back down on the couch with a laugh.

"Ugh-.. Slacker-.. Fine, I'll let 'er know, you better start getting into gear, you never know if you're good at something without trying it-.." she threw away the wrapper to the granola bar, grabbing her bag and getting ready to walk out the door. "Seeya at the game Genius-..." She laughs a bit more before stepping out the door and heading to the bus, sitting across from her best friend, Taylor.

"Sup 'Trish! You ready for the game today? I can't believe you guys have the chance of making our basketball team the best in state, I wish I could do that with the Math Team-.." he laughs a bit to himself before adjusting his glasses so that they were better situated.

"Thanks 'Tay-.. I wish both you and Willow best luck in your "big meet" or whatever-.." She laughs a bit more before leaning up against the window, tucking the duffle bag back behind her.

"Pfft-.. Thanks.." The bus soon pulls into the school, Taylor looks out the window a bit with a smile, getting out of his seat and getting off the bus, waiting for Trish at the bottom. "Y'know-.. You're really good at basketball, I heard there's gonna be a college scout at today's game, you could definitely earn yourself a scholarship," he slugged his bag back over his shoulder, walking along side her with a laugh.

"'Ya think so-? Pfft-.. I'll give it my best-... shot-.." she laughs a bit to herself before playfully punching him in the arm and waving a slight goodbye before running up to her locker, meeting her "Acquaintance," Ashley Silverback. She rolled her eyes as she began to open her locker, being sure to not to shove her bag in with the rest of her things.

"Pfft-.. What's in there-? A dead body-?" She snickers a bit to herself playfully shoving a girl that had been standing next to her, propping her hand up against her locker.

"Yes Ashley, it's a dead body-.. And you're next-.." she rolled her eyes once more before shutting her locker, with a groan and slinging the bag back over her shoulder.

"Geez-.. No need to be so violent 'Trish-.. That could wind you up getting hurt 'round here-.." she laughs a bit more before walking off with another few girls, stopping and seeming to talk to another girl on the way. Trish groaned as she made her way to homeroom, being greeted at the door by her teacher, Mr. Green.

"Good morning Lang, I see that you're prepared for today's game-.." he stepped to the side letting her in, with a small, tired looking smile.

"Hah-.. for sure 'sir-! When am I not prepared for a game-?" She laughs a bit more before taking a seat next to a buddy of her's Lillian Caytes, who seems to have been drawing or so in her notebook.

"I must say, you are quite correct-!" He laughs a bit more before sitting in his desk, working on grading a few papers and such. Trish set her bag up under her chair, placing her elbow on the desk and placing her head in her hands. Lillian soon looked up from her notebook.

"Pfft-.. Heya Trish-.. You got your uniform? 'Coach said we need to have them ready by game time-.. I just wore mine underneath for today, makes it easier," she laughs a bit to herself.

"'Course I got my uniform, I got everything I need.. Well.. for today anyways,," she chuckles a bit before bending down and picking up the bag and patting it before putting it back down. The bell soon rang, signaling the students to head for their first class, Trisha's being social studies, with Ms. Lockner.

"Pfft-.. Seeya around 'Lil," she soon got out of her seat and headed back into the hallway, waving a small goodbye to Mr. Green before meeting up with Taylor in front of her locker.

"Heya 'Trishie-.." he laughs. "You ready for another class with Ms. Lockner.". God that woman doesn't know how to shut up.." he laughs a bit more before leaning up against Ashley's locker, guessing she wasn't even nearby.

"Oh boy-... that should be fun-.. At least I won't have to suffer alone," she laughs a bit before playfully wrapping an arm around him. "Yeah, she truly doesn't, does she?" she releases him and shuts her locker, kinda just talking there with him.

"Yo 'Dork Boy,' you can remove yourself from my locker please. Why don't you just go run off to your dumb little Math Team-.." she snickers a bit to herself before shoving Taylor to the side, nearly knocking off his glasses in the process.

"Hey! What the heck, was that really all that necessary 'Silverback?" Trisha practically growled, soon looking back over to Taylor with a bit of a sympathetic look before looking back to Ashley.

"Pfft-.. What-? Just teachin' little 'Dork Boy' here to learn to move out of my way," she turned her back on Trisha and started to open her locker, not even seeming to care more on the matter.

"Lay a hand on any of friends and you won't hear the end of it, 'Princess..'" she scoffed as she walked back over to Taylor, not turning back to her and walking off, avoiding anything that she might have said as she walked off.

"Woah-.. Hey 'Trish that wasn't all that necessary-.." Taylor didn't seem quite surprised at this point, Trish had always stood up for him, but never seemed to threaten her that far.

"Well, she deserved it-.. I'm done with her picking on you, you should let them just walk over you 'Tay-.." she doesn't look at him as she continues walking to class, soon walking in the door, taking a seat near the back, mistakenly seating herself next to Walker Randle.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2017 ⏰

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