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The soft tickling sensation of a silky small hand woke him up, Mark stirred and as his eyes adjusted to the sun's warm rays he slowly opened his eyes, the soft touches of her warm hand on his bare chest made him aware of the situation he was in, smiling to himself Mark rolled on his side just to meet the sleeping beauty in his arms. His smile got bigger as he studied her face, the sun's light shining on her face, giving him the perfect view of her long black eyelashes that softly caressed her delicate cheeks and her rosy lips were curved up beautifully in a slight smile. Her hands were on his chest and her legs were between his. The sun was shining brightly to her body, making it glisten and shine. She was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen and he still couldn't believe how lucky he was to have her right in his arms. A slow breeze blew and the curtains flew in the air, leaving more space for the sun to come in, letting it shining rays wander around the room and making the diamond ring on her left hand glisten beautifully. Remembering what day today was, made his heart warm with happiness. She'd be all his. Liz, the girl of his dreams, the one he had gone through a lot to get to, would be all his now from today and it was the greatest thing that life has ever given him. Mark took another look at her face, his gaze fell on her lips and the urge of kissing her overpowered him, slowly he leant in and brushed his lips on hers, he kissed her so softly taking in the beautiful scent of her. The slight shaking of her body made him pull away slowly, he looked as she stirred and opened her sparkly brown eyes. "Morning gorgeous" his husky voice made her smile "Morning handsome" "Did you sleep well?" "Couldn't ask for a better one" she winked and grinned naughtily, which made his heart flutter. He leant in again and planted a small kiss on the tip of her nose then let his lips travel down on her face to her luscious lips and started kissing her with all the passion he had for her. He could feel her smile against his lips before kissing him back. The two young lovers were so deep in their own world that they didn't hear the door of the room getting open.

"Oh please" Sara said not believing what she was seeing with her eyes, her voice made Mark and Liz turn to look at her. "Oh hey" Liz said cheery suddenly remembering why her best friend was here for. She slowly nudged Mark to remind him the situation they were in, he chuckled and started to get dressed, "I can't believe you!" Sara said still annoyed, "Hey, take it easy Sara" Mark smirked still busy dressing, "You know you can't be here! It's not good to see her before..." "Hey have you seen Mark?" Chad interrupted her by popping in and asking his question "He's right here" Sara pointed toward the bed Liz was still in annoyed "Oh there you are Marky! How did you run away and got here last night?" Liz took a surprised glance at Mark "They've locked you in?" Mark smirked "Yeah kind of!" "OMG you're unbelievable!" "And that's what you love the most about me, am I right?" Mark leaned in toward her and started kissing her lovingly. "Oh please! Chad just take him out! We have lots to do!!!" Sara turned and made her way to the bathroom. "See you love" Mark kissed her quickly before he made his way to the door. He winked and then, closed the door. Liz sighed happily and laid on her back, thinking of their moments, feeling so happy with the love she felt for him. Suddenly she felt someone pull the blanket from her, "Come on we have to get you ready!" Sara took her hand and pulled her to the bathroom, "Ok ok, don't kill me" Liz giggled and stepped into the warm, steamy shower.

"Look who I found!" Chad announced as he and Mark entered his room, Dan and Alex stopped to look at them, "Where was he?" Alex asked while drying his hair by a towel "Where do you think he was?" Dan raised his eyebrow "I can't believe you Adams! You couldn't last a night without her! Man what are you? You'd have every night by her from today!" "I really can't wait for that!" Mark smiled while grabbing a towel and stepping into the bathroom. "You're unbelievable Adams!" The trio shook their heads and laughed.

Mark took a look at the trees surrounding them, he could see the sun shining throw the leaves, letting its light to lighten as much space as possible. He looked at the line of the chairs and then to the big lovely altar, made of the white and red roses where he'd be marrying the love of his life in a few minutes. He smiled to himself, he couldn't feel happier than he already was. A hand tapped softly on his shoulder and he turned to look at his father, his eyes gleaming with pride, he held him tightly, "It's time to go, she's here" Mark smiled and walked to his place, his band mates followed him and took their place beside him. With a loving smile on his face he waited for his bride to step in. the music started playing and Sara started walking to the isle with flowers in her hands, followed by 3 other bridesmaids, everyone stood up as Liz appeared dressed beautifully in white with a bouquet of white and pink roses in her hand and taking her father's hand. Mark was stunned by her beauty and his eyes were glistening from the happy tears. From behind her veil Liz made eye contact with him and smiled lovingly. She was so drowned to him that didn't see a viper beside her step, suddenly she felt a sharp pain in her leg and her bright day turned dark. It was like everything happened in slow motion, in front of Mark's shocked eyes, his beauty fell on the ground, everyone ran to her, shouting her name, he didn't understand when his legs allowed him to run to her, he couldn't hear peoples shouts and cries, he didn't see Chad calling for help, he didn't know how he reached to her, fell behind her, he didn't see her beautiful shining eyes open anymore...

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