Chapter 1

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"Rose wake up come on. You need to wake up. It's late and you haven't even figured out what your gonna wear."

That's Angelina. She's my roommate.

"I'm up I'm up."

Watching her get irritated from realizing I was pretending to be asleep she goes to her room.

"What's the matter?. I'm up, why'd you leave?."

Getting up going to the kitchen to make me some cereal I hear Angelina respond.

"Because of...this!."

"What the fuck!. Dude that's not funny!. You made me spill milk all over myself!."

Seeing her stick her tongue at me. I go to the sink to wash my hands grabbing a cup of warm water as I leave.

"Hey Angie!."


"Come here?."



Walking to her room hiding the cup I see her changing into her daily cloths.

"Because I know your gonna try to get me back because I made you spill milk all over yourself."

"What?. Psshhttt. Nahhh"

"Still no."

"Ugh fiiinneee."

Going back to the kitchen jumping up on the counter throwing the cup in the sink I hear the door open.


Turning around seeing Alex walk in I jump down running to him.


Jumping up wrapping my legs around him kissing his soft pink lips I hear Angie walk in.

"Hey, you guys have a room for a reason."

"You know what your right."

Feeling him start to walk to the room with me in his arm I jump down.


Laughing turning red I apologize to Angie for my little outburst.

"So you know you guy's anniversary is coming up."

Leaning on to the kitchen counter, Alex standing right next to me his hand resting on my lower back.

"How is it you always remember and we somehow forget?"

"Uh duh because you guys are fucking adorable as fuck and make me have hope in life. Until I look in the mirror. But still." 

After hearing that from Angie it makes me laugh and run to the bathroom to shower and get dressed for the day.


"Baby?. Where you at?."

Hearing him from in the shower I ran out to lock the door before he can enter.

"I'm in the shower I'll be out in a bit."

"Alright well hurry up we gotta go soon."

Alex is a nice guy don't get me wrong. But I'm just not that into him seeing me when I don't approve. I don't know I'm just not fully comfortable yet I guess.


After drying my hair and getting dressed I look on the sink to see my phone light up with a notification.

*Had to go baby girl, I was running late for work so I couldn't wait any longer to say goodbye. I left some food for your lunch in the microwave- Angie.*

After seeing that I smile and start to curl the ends of my hair like I always do.

Watching my fingers run through my hair looking at every brown curl fall I finish and put my curler up and head to the kitchen to see the food exactly where she said it be.

I grab my bags and head to my car.

2012 black Honda civic sedan. Pretty proud of this little car. She's my ride or die.

After about twenty minutes of singing and dancing in the car I finally reach the school.


Looking down seeing my phone light up with Alex name across it I answer.


"Baby what happen?. I come back up stairs and your gone. I left for five minutes. Where are you ate?."

"At school already. I couldn't find you and I couldn't be late. Class starts in 10 minutes."

"And we all know how you are. Alright, call me when you get back."

"Will do baby."

After hanging up I pull into the student drive and head to the small little Starbucks down the street.

I rather walk then drive and waste my gas. Plus its just down the street. A small little 5 minute walk and back. No harm done.

"White chocolate mocha please."


Handing her the change I look at the time seeing myself run just a minute late but try not to panic to much. It's just a minute.

After I'm handed my mocha I start to head to the college. 


"Now every assignment must be turned in by next Friday, so get to it."

Watching him write '3/3/17' on the board I head to my next three classes watching the clock tick slowly. Like every second was a minute and every minute was an hour and every hour was a day.. 


Finally leaving to go home I stop at the store first. 'Dash and go' Stepping out heading inside locking my car I head into the market to grab more milk. After the amount of milk Angie made me spill, we need more. Plus it was going a little bad anyways. 


Heading back to my car I notice I left my phone in my car because I see Angie calling me. 

"Hey where are you?" 

"I'm in the car pulling out of 'Dash and go' why?" 

Pulling out of the parking lot I set my phone down on speaker and focus on the road. 

"Because it's already getting dark and classes ended like two hours ago. How much food did you get?"

Laughing from the panic in her voice on where I am, I head onto the main road and hit a red light. 

"Look I'm on Gordian street just fifteen minutes away. I'll be there soon okay?"

"We all know that means thirty in the city in the middle of the night Rosie. It's getting dark and everyone's going home so the traffics going to be bad-"

"Angie calm down I'll be fine." Laughing at how worried she's getting about me I wait at the light patiently, hanging up the phone as I do. 

"I think a little music is in need.."

"And your a least all of your friends are.. And so am I.."


As everyday passes by Rose doesn't notice what's going to happen next...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2017 ⏰

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