~NaLu FanFic~

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One day Natsu and Lucy were out doing another job of theirs, with Happy too. Lucy needed money to pay for the rent since it was already overdue. Once Natsu found out, he wanted to help her. The job was to go to Mt. Hakobe and get rid off some of the Vulcans there because recently they were going out and attacking more often.

"Oh, we are here." Lucy says. The kart they arrived in stopped moving.

"Aye!" Happy shouts.

Natsu was having his motion sickness thing, but when the kart stopped he seemed fine enough.

"Okay, let's go kick some ass!" Natsu cheers.

They all walk to the cave entrance inside the mountain, seeing a group of vulcans there. The vulcans seemed to be having a meeting of some sort.

"Tomorrow we attack Magnolia Town and steal all the chicks!" Said the leader of the vulcans.

"Yeah!!" All the other vulcans shout.

"What?! They are stealing girls?!" Lucy questions.

Happy shakes his head, and Natsu starts to look a little pissed off.

"That's so low." He says in a low-toned voice. "You bastards!" He shouts, jumping into the cave with his fist clenched in flames, punching down the leader vulcan. All of the other vulcans were shocked, then began to charge towards Natsu.

"N-Natsu!" Lucy shouts while watching Natsu fight back. She quickly got out her gate keys and summoned Virgo.

"Virgo please go help Natsu!" She demands.

"Will you punish me after?"

"Now's not the time, go help him!"

"Whatever you wish, Princess."

While Virgo and Natsu were fighting off the vulcans, Lucy and Happy snuck inside the cave trying not to get the vulcan's attention. They explored the cave a bit and found some girls locked up in there. Lucy didn't have enough magic power to summon another zodiac because she used most of it during her last adventure with Natsu and Happy. She didn't know what to do now.

"...Just wait a little longer. We'll get you out of here somehow." Lucy tells the locked up girls. They had no response.

"Hey Lucy, look!" Happy points towards Natsu and Virgo, and sees all the vulcans on the ground. They began to glow.

"What's happening?" Lucy asks while watching this mysterious thing happening. It seemed familiar to her though. Just like the time Macao got possessed by a vulcan.

A few seconds later just that happened. The vulcans transformed into humans. All guys which looked rather beat up. They began to mumble things to each other, then froze once they saw Natsu glaring at them.


The guys explain everything that they knew, including everything about the captured girls. Natsu looks over towards where the girls were locked up. He seemed to be staring at them. He walked up closer towards one specific girl, you could say she was the best looking out of the group.

Whatever he was doing didn't seem normal or right to Lucy. "N-Natsu, what are you-"

"Nothing." Natsu interrupts. The cages the girls were in were luckily made of ice, so he melted them. "You girls should hurry home now."

"T-thank you!" They all say running out of the cave. The guys ran out too.

Lucy, Natsu and Happy exit the cave with another job done. But that display which Natsu did wasn't sitting well with Lucy. She was actually a little jealous.

"Hey, Natsu... What was up with you staring at that girl before?" She nervously asks, not sure if she actually wanted to hear the answer.

"She was the hottest girl out of all of them, right?" Natsu says. "Well, I was trying to compare her to you. But it turns out nothing can compare to you."

Lucy furiously blushes unable to say anything. She stops walking. Once Natsu and Happy notice, they stop and turn around. Natsu walks up towards her, placing his head on her shoulder.

"I... I can't hold it in for much longer." He mumbles.


Natsu lifts his head up off Lucy's shoulder to face her directly. He moves his hand onto her cheek. They shut their eyes and tilt closer towards each other until their lips intertwined.

"KYAAA!" Happy screams while watching the two love birds.

Natsu and Lucy freak out, forgetting that Happy was with them.

"Happy!?" They panic while Happy was laughing.

"L... Let's just go home now.." Lucy says.

Natsu awkwardly nods, then all 3 begin to walk home.

"Hey... Lucy? Can I ask you a question?" Natsu says, beginning to blush a little.

"Yeah, sure. What is it?"

"...Will you be my girlfriend?"

Lucy pauses and begins to blush. Smiling, she replies, "Oh Natsu, you don't even need to ask!" Then embraces him.

NaLu Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now