Chapter Five

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Maya woke up the next morning, not remembering where she was. She yawned, stretching, her hands brushing fabric. Her eyes shot open, and her face broke into a wide grin as she realised where she was. She sat up, rubbing her eyes, before pushing her curtains open. The other two girls' curtains were still closed, so she took the opportunity to have a shower. Her new Gryffindor robes were laid out over her trunk, and she gathered them up and headed into the bathroom to shower and get changed for the day.

Standing under the shower, she closed her eyes, letting the water wash over her. She gave her scalp a scrub, breathing in the pleasant smell of her pear shampoo and conditioner. The stepped out the shower, wrapping a towel around herself, staring at her hair in the mirror with a frown. Her mother usually used magic to dry and style her hair, but she didn't quite have the experience for that yet. She towel dried it as best she could, scrunching upwards to encourage her natural curls to take shape. She applied some gel to hold the curls, and straightened up. Still damp, but at least presentable.

Once dressed in her robes, Maya headed back into the dorm, where Danielle and Amy were just getting up. Amy barged past her to the bathroom, and Danielle let out a quiet chuckle. "I'm heading down to breakfast if you want to join?" Maya asked. Danielle glanced towards the bathroom and bit her lip. "Maybe in a bit, I don't want to make any enemies yet, and you've already made a few friends." Maya nodded, grabbing the items she needed for the day, tucking her wand into her robe pocket, and heading down to the common room.

"Oooh I do love your hair." A fifth year cooed, pulling on a curl and watching it ping back into shape. "But do you not know any drying spells yet?" Maya shook her head, and the girl smiled at her kindly, gesturing for her to sit down. "Sicco." She declared, and Maya felt the dampness leave her hair. "This one is more suited for hair like yours, as I'm sure your aware, heat with cause it to frizz." Maya smiled gratefully, and the fifth year showed her the correct wand movement to do the spell. "There you go! You've learnt a spell already and it's not even breakfast. I'm Izzy by the way, Izzy Staples." Maya thanked the girl, then headed out the portrait hole towards the Great Hall for breakfast.

"Maya!" Charlie waved her over. She skipped to join where he was sat with Ben. Charlie piled some pancakes onto her plate. "Where's Cole?" Maya asked. Ben snorted into his morning juice. "Still in bed grumbling about how classes being this early is child abuse." He sniggered. Maya laughed. Professor McGonagall was walking down the table, handing out timetables. Maya took hers with a thanks, studying it. "Ooh, first class is Charms! Then History of Magic. Should be a fun first day." Ben said. "Professor Flitwick is ace, my mum speaks very highly of him. She was a Ravenclaw."

"So were my parents!" Maya exclaimed. "I wonder if they knew each other?" Just then, the owls swooped in. Maya saw her family owl Pedro among them. He dropped a letter in front of her, nudged her hand, took a drink from her juice then flew off. Ben and Charlie also got a letter each. Maya opened it up.

Dear our darling Maya,

Congratulations on getting into Gryffindor! Your father and I are very proud. We have enclosed your favourite sweets, I'm sure you've had no issues making friends, but I know most eleven-year-olds won't say no t being offered something sweet!

We hope your first day of classes go well, let us know how it goes!

Lots of love

Mum and Dad xxxx

Maya smiled, tracing over her parents signatures at the bottom of the letter. Ben waved his letter in her face. "Our parents did know each other! I wrote to mum last night, mentioned your name and she said she was the year below your parents." Maya read the section of the letter Ben was pointing out. "That's cool! My parents sent me some sweets to share out too." She offered them both a handful, and they accepted gratefully.

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