The Beauty of a Myth

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As you stand there starring at nothing,
He will take you into his arms ;
And kiss you.

He'll kiss you right on the lips,
And when he kisses you;
For the first time,
Storms will rise, beneath ;
beneath your skin ;
Like fire within your bones,
Like your soul has returned to the waters again;
Like every broken piece is held,
Every part of your universe that comes from a dead star will be alive again.

That first kiss,
That first kiss,
Will fall like dew  from heaven,
To make your soul dance again.

Did you ever give it a thought ?
That something so small could be so everlasting.
Something so minute would be the thing
That you'd miss when you leave.

A kiss so pure,
Which can blow your mind.
So pure
A soul breathing life into another.
All-consumingmolten- love,
Where the world stops for the briefest of times.

A moment,
so intense.
It hangs in the air,
As it pulls you closer to him,
As if your lips were air,
And you cannot breathe.

I swearwhen you touch,
You will taste the next sixty years of your life.

Well words don't have the power to explain everything,
But all you'll need is the beauty that your lips will allow.


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Hola everyone,
Welcome back!
I'm back with some interesting stuff of poems and I hope ya'll will enjoy reading them.
I'll be updating them very often.
So this was my first ballad about the beauty of a first kiss.
Yeaahh!   I guess that'll be the most purest form of love someone will ever show.
Lemme know your views.
So for now t-a-t-a!
Hope and love,
Florence 💜

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2017 ⏰

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