From the beginning, always

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This is fictional. Hope you enjoy. (It does have names of people you may know, Adara Sophie and Hannah but I can assure you that I was simply stuck deciding names)


It all started in year seven, I was the girl who no-one liked I was lonely and didn't want to fit in. I was in my German class, I was staring at my planner thinking, I'm not sure what of :S, I awoke from my thoughts and looked up. The most handsome boy I had ever seen asked me to move along a seat. I was nervous and I replied with

"Emm, yeah, sure of course, gimme a minute, I'm Sam by the way. What's your name?"

He stared at my eyes a few seconds and then replied fast

"Oh, I'm Mitch, Mitch Hughes. I got lost in your eyes a second there! They're a nice colour may I add"

I smiled and moved forward a row, I had a feeling we were going to get along well.

Two days later I woke up yawning and stretching, I didn't see Mitch for the past few days and I didn't know why. I stopped thinking and dragged myself out of bed forcing myself to get some cereal before I knew it I fell asleep, again. Luckily this time I wasn't holding the milk nor the cereal box for that matter.

I snapped up and slapped myself making sure I wouldn't fall asleep again. I ate my breakfast and ran upstairs, I got into the shower not long after brushing my teeth. I washed my hair and I was out in a jiffy, I ran into my bedroom, making sure my brother, dad or mum couldn't see me. I grabbed my socks and quickly put them on followed by my pants, etc. I dried my hair and brushed it, I couldn't be bothered straightening it today, I decided to let it Poof.

I grabbed my bag and coat and ran out the door saying goodbye to everyone as I left. I ran out and opened the door, my uncle was waiting in his car with my cousins, we had a little conversation along the way but in what almost seemed like a second we arrived at Leaventhorpe Hall, we walked to the school gates as I said my goodbyes to my cousins I saw Mitch. I ran over to him to ask him why he hadn't been here.

"I was a bit ill, nothing to worry about, Sam. Im okay now."

"Okay, see you innnnnnnn" I paused for a second and thought "Ffffffffhhhhhiiiisttttttmmmaaaa English." I said reluctantly. I pulled out my timetable,"Yeah, English period 3" I guaranteed myself.

"See you around then" Mitch shouted as his friends dragged him away. I shouted back but he couldn't hear me.

The bell went for Form and I ran, knowing that Mr. Beaton would be angry at me if he knew I'd been late. Luckily he wasn't in class and I sighed with relief and sat down, bringing my reading book out I read 5 pages and stopped, looking up I saw the clock. 8:30am. First lesson was going to start. I ran out of form room and right on the bell I arrived to my class. Phew! Just in time.

A boy ran past me tugging at my hair and kissing my head. I turned around tempted to punch him.

"Callum! You stupid, eugh. Didn't I tell you the poof is for me only. Not you."

"Don't put them puppy dog eyes on to me. I will always bounce the poof. You can't stop me. Untamable."

"God Damn It" I facepalmed, knowing I would never get my way. Me and Callum had been friends since literally birth, he was born one ward away from me and our mothers became fond of each other, they decided to make us bffs. I will never forgive my mum for this.

I walked to the back of the class and sat in my seat, Mitch came in laughing and giggling, two boys sat next to him as he piped down and got on with the starter, Fermin and Najm doing the same.

Goodbye. (BajanCanadian FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now