Living a Nightmare

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"RING RING" screamed the alarm. I jumped up with hair in my face, not letting me see. "kristal get up time for school" shouted my mother. " "ugggh but its saturday!!" I shouted back, she replied with traces of laughter in her voice "yeah, two days ago, its monday get up"

I hoped out of bed and took a shower, with cold water because my brother Ricky decided to take all the hot water, I got dressed and brush my teeth although there was a weird feeling at the side of my head.

I got to school, with my black hair in a pony tail, I walked the hallway as if I knew where I was going but in reality... I always know, that somewhere along that ling strip of a hallway I shall trip and fall.

I had made it to the gym,where we always wait about half-an hour before going to class, I meet up with my friends. Kathleen & William. I sit beside them thincking today is going to be okay .

Quite usually I am very shy. I dont talk to people. I bury my face in my jacket, and I don't get in anybodys business. "guess what there's a new boy" said Kathleen cheerfully. " hes probably just another ass, who sags his pants and says inappropriate innuendos all the time" I said rolling my eyes.

"nah I dont think so, I havent talked to him but he doesnt sag his pants" she said shaking her head lightly. "well see then I guess". The bell rings letting us scatter to 1st period. on my way to the classroom I listen to music.

The world has gone silent, all I hear are my favorite words being sung to me by my headphones. "cause its nine in the after noon,  your eyes are the size of the moon". all being sung in perfect harmony.

I make it to class and I lay my backpack next to me, on the floor, I put my music away and there he was. sitting next to me, black silky hair, such... brown..kind eyes, they made me feel...warm.

at that moment, the room around me went black, as if it was just me and him in the world together. With his kind smile he fleshed at me. He said "hey im Billy and im new". in a quick instant, everything came back to the classroom, all the kids and the murmuring.  "oh umm... yeah heh um sorry, hi im Kristal..kristal ortiz".

"nice to meet you kristal, wow that's a big book what are you reading?".Almost not being able to answer i say " oh yeah i am uhh reading Eli monpress hes umm a theft who falls in love with the mysterious woman who captures him". I replied" i kinda like love thats umm unforeseen, it umm like give it depth to how much you um, ahem, love a person"i said blushing and felling a hot sensation over my cheeks.

" wow sounds interesting, i love a girl who can read".

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2014 ⏰

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