Beauty-what does it mean?
Beauty means the quality that gives intense pleasure to the sight or other senses.
If you're like me, you'll probably think, "That's NOT me." I can understand that. I'm a girl, so I get it. If you're a guy, you might not understand. One of the things girls struggle with most is insecurities.
Insecurities are lack of confidence or assurance; self-doubt.
Most girls feel fat, ugly, unloved, etc. And it's mainly society that makes us feel that way. You look all over the Internet and magazines, and you'll see skinny girls with the perfect hair, the perfect face. It makes us girls feel self-conscious.
Who represents your ideal of beauty? Taylor Swift is absolutely beautiful, and she has an incredible singing voice. Selena Gomez is beautiful as well and can act and sing. But what makes them beautiful to you? Is it the makeup, the hairstyles, or the gorgeous clothes they wear? What truly makes a woman beautiful? It's easy to compare yourself to the "beautiful people," that trap and steal your joy and cause you to feel insecure about the beautiful young woman God created you to be. In God's sight, your beauty doesn't come from long, flowing hair and pretty outfits. It comes from your heart.
God said in 1 Peter 3:3-4 that, "Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such an elaborate hairstyle and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious in God's sight."
You know, people are gonna say things about you, things that will make you upset. But it's not always true, because if you haven't noticed, people like to lie. If you be totally honest, they're probably jealous of you.
I have my days when I feel ugly too. One look in the mirror is enough for me to want to shatter the glass. I always ask myself, "Why can't I be pretty like her? Why do I have to be fat? Will a guy want to even ask me out?" It just seems so unfair. Why did God make me this way?
I tend to look in the mirror and glare at the things I don't like about myself. When it comes to looks, girls can be the worst critics. I panic when I have blemishes on my face. But the truth is on the days when you look in the mirror and see the worst, often that's when your friends think you look great. So whose vision is distorted-yours or your friends'? Remember, you both are looking at the same person.
Think of it like looking into a fun-house mirror at a carnival. You tend to see yourself in the worst possible way, when in reality no one else is noticing the flaws or seeing the features you don't like. Just know that when you see a flawed person in the mirror, God sees a special, one-of-a-kind person He created.
You don't need to cake your face with makeup to be beautiful. You don't need to force yourself to throw up just to be beautiful. You don't need to wear tight, revealing clothing to feel beautiful. You don't need to do any of that. You need to be yourself. Every life is beautiful. But if you have a great personality, you are truly beautiful. The outside doesn't matter, it's the inside. Your heart is absolutely beautiful.
Society can say whatever they want to say. But don't listen to society, listen to God, who says, "You are fearfully and wonderfully made."
God created you, and trust me, He doesn't make mistakes. You are perfect in His eyes. Everyday, I'm getting better. I have to repeat to myself, "You're beautiful."
I have been called names, names I'd rather not say. Words are like bullets and they kill as good as any gun. So if you're reading this, just remember that. Don't call people names. That's a reason why girls are so insecure. But even with the teasing, you gotta tell yourself that you're beautiful, that you're worth it, that you're loved. If you tell yourself that all the time, you'll believe it. I believe you're beautiful. I believe I'm beautiful.
Sometimes feeling pretty seems impossible. The Bible teaches us that being beautiful isn't about your outward appearance. God says real beauty shines from the inside. That kind of beauty can only come from the Holy Spirit living within you. If you haven't, accept God today. Trust me, He'll stick by you through all your insecurities. He will remind you that you're beautiful.
If you haven't, you should listen to the song More Beautiful You by Johnny Diaz. It really helps me when I'm insecure. Beauty does exist <3
"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." -Proverbs 31:30
"Someone loves everything you hate about yourself."
"You're insecure, don't know what for. You're turning heads when you walk through the door. Don't need makeup, to cover up. Being the way that you are is enough." -One Direction
"You are treasured, you are sacred, you are His. You're beautiful." -MercyMe