It's Empty In The Valley Of Your Heart (Ziam Oneshot)

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A/N: So, this is basically just a short oneshot about Zayn “helping” Liam through his breakup, if you’re putting up what I’m putting down. This is my first time writing anything Ziam so omg I hope you like it. Obviously, Larry is my OTP but I do quite enjoy some Ziam from time to time. 

Just want to say a quick thank you to my friend Kristen for making my little cover thingy for this. It’s absolutely gorgeous.

Also, just a quick shout out to Sierra, Lexi, and Kris. Ya’ll are my bitches I love ya’ll so much. 

Okay, carry on and enjoy!

Also, click on the external link to bring up a hot sexy Ziam playlist to listen to for mood music ;)

                The smell of cigarette smoke and spray paint filled the room as Zayn worked on another masterpiece of his, which just so happened to be another portrait of Batman. It would go very well with his other hundred or so pictures of Batman he made. He wasn’t obsessed with Batman though. He was obsessed with Liam Payne. And Liam Payne was a little bit obsessed with Batman, but in a super cute way, because everything Liam did was super cute.

                It was probably a very bad thing to have a crush on your best mate when you technically were engaged to your girlfriend and now fiancé, but Zayn couldn’t help his feelings. He liked Perrie, but Liam always brought a brand new kind of happiness to him whenever he was around him. It was unlike anything he had every felt with anyone else in his life. His life was good though, even if he didn’t get to be with Liam in the way that he wanted to, so he just swallowed his feelings and dealt with the everyday things and did his best to push past those feelings.

                Whenever Zayn wanted to run away from whatever was bothering him, he would turn to art, thus bringing along the creation of the graffiti room in his house. When things got stressful with work, he drew in some sketchbooks to get away. When things got bad at home or with Perrie, he would paint on some canvases, but those two outlets never satisfied him completely. He needed a bigger space for his bigger ideas, and on one particularly bad day he just took a spray can to the plain white walls in the barren and empty room and finally felt his release. That was when he knew he would have this room dedicated for his stress relief.

                Lately though, even the art didn’t take away Zayn from his feelings towards his bandmate. It would keep him distracted for a while until he realized that he was working on something that reminded him of Liam. He even caught himself painting a portrait of his mate once, but it scared him so much that he scrapped it and stopped working on his art for the rest of the day. Now, though, he just gave in and decided to paint whatever he felt like painting, which lately seemed like a lot of Batman pictures. There wasn’t anything wrong with it. Liam liked Batman a lot. So did he, or maybe he just liked Liam a lot too.

                The door to his graffiti room opened suddenly, taking Zayn’s attention from the artwork below him to the door. Liam came walking in, looking obviously distraught and upset about something. Zayn wasn’t surprised by this. His best mate had a key to his house and was welcome to stop by anytime he wanted or needed to, which lately seemed like very often—not that Zayn was complaining. Anytime he could get with Liam he would appreciate it greatly. Zayn took off his mask that covered his mouth and nose and sat his spray can down. “What’s up, mate?” he asked as he sat up on his knees and looked up to the brown eyed boy who took no time at all to sit down next to him.

                “Sophia and I broke up,” Liam answered in a quiet voice as if the whole world would hear in that moment.

                “Ah, shit, sorry about that,” Zayn sincerely replied, gently reaching over and patting Liam’s back consolingly. He looked worried and although he was a little worried about Liam being okay, on the inside he was more excited about the idea of the boy he really fancied being single and available. Not that it would matter anyways, he was engaged. Zayn had to keep reminding himself of that, but it was so damn hard when his heart would beat so loudly in his ears whenever he was around his best friend that he would completely forget about that one girl he was with.

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