She fell

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Elliot was sitting four chairs away from Ella. Little did he knew, the girl was wishing that she could muster up the courage to talk to him. For almost four years of liking him, they never talked. Maybe it was because of their social status. Elliot was popular while Ella was practically at the bottom of the social ladder. He was the star of every performance while she was always at the backstage, helping the stars. Isn't liking someone who you know that you wouldn't ever have fantastic?, she thought. Ella sighed as she gathered her things and returned the books she borrowed at the Librarian's desk. The bell of their school rang, signalling that it was lunchtime. She walked to the cafeteria and looked for her friends. Eventually, she found them near the window and walked over them.

"Hey!" Clara, one of Ella's friends, said. Ella simply nodded and sat down between Margo and Sophie. Ella was so absorbed in her thoughts that she didn't notice Margo jabbing her side harshly.

"What?" Ella hissed. Margo jutted out her lips and pointedly looked at something behind Ella. Ella turned around and was welcomed by the sight of something that made her want to vomit. The sight of him and his girlfriend, Gia, entering the cafeteria, hand in hand and laughing. Elliot whispered something in Gia's ear that made Gia giggle. Ella immediately groaned and looked away to face her friends. A frown etched upon Ella's face.

"Come on, Ella! You're way prettier than her! You should just talk to him, maybe he would realize that you're the one for him and then-" Ella glared at Sophie to stop her imagination from him and Ella getting married and having bazillion kids.

"Sophie! We've had this conversation for the millionth time! And I will tell you for the millionth time that no, we are not getting married and have kids. I can't even talk to him without stuttering!" Ella said to Sophie and then she added quietly, "If I could talk to him."

Sophie noticed that Ella was upset and dropped the subject. They immediately began talking about the upcoming carnival for summer. Ella was unusually quiet while eating her lunch. Her friends noticed that she needed sometime to herself so they just let her be.

Elliot and Gia have been together for nearly four years which is ever since Ella had started liking Elliot. During their first year of high school, Elliot was a transferee and then apparently, he immediately liked Gia and started courting her. Of course he would court her, I mean who wouldn't? She's pretty much the definition of perfect. Pretty, outgoing, smart, famous, nice, kind and everything a guy would like. Who am I to think that I would stand a chance against her?, Ella thought bitterly. Eventually, Gia said yes to Elliot and then they started dating.

Before, Ella thought it was just silly crush and it wouldn't last long. With his good looks, he could take someone's attention effortlessly. Ella had no idea that it would last longer than she thought. Every day she hoped that her feelings would just go away because she knew that she was nothing to him. She was just his schoolmate that he passed by day after day. Since day one, Ella knew where she stood and never tried to at least be his friend.

Ella has never been confident. In her group of friends, she was always the unnoticed one, the odd one and the one who doesn't even look like she belongs everywhere. Ella was shy and insecure and would never talk to anyone unless anyone would talk to her first. She always had her guards up and let only a few of people in where unfortunately, Elliot got in. She thought lowly of herself and felt like she was never good enough. Every day, she would plaster this fake, bright smile on her face as if there's nothing wrong with her when there is.

The bell rang once again and people went to each of their own classes. Ella said goodbye to her friends and walked to her Economics class. She was partially excited and nervous on this class. Elliot was in that class, which made Ella excited. And nervous because their Economic teacher had always divided the class by partner and maybe there's the slight chance that Elliot and Ella would be picked as partners. Mia didn't understand herself, she wanted him as her partner but at the same time, she doesn't want to. Mia arrived at the classroom and sat on a random chair. It didn't matter where she sat anyway; everyone is supposed to sit with their chosen partners.

She fellWhere stories live. Discover now