The Worst Moment of My Life

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Ever since January 27, 2010, I have never felt the same way again...

I was walking home from school. This was a normal day thing, I come home, do my homework, eat snack, etc., etc. The door was usually unlocked, so I usually let myself in. As I walked into my house, I yelled, "Hey, Mom! What's for snack?" I got no answer. She usually answers I thought. Maybe she is outside, smoking. I looked out back. She wasn't there. Pretty soon, I was looking everywhere for her when my sisters, Amanda(currently 17) and Missy(currently 13), came in.

"What are you doing?" Amanda asked.

"Looking for Mom. Can you help me?" I said.

After we looked around for her, Missy turned to me and said, "Hey, Ally, do you know what this means?!" Then I suddenly realized: Amanda was in charge. After about a second later, before we knew it, we started to run around the house, screaming, "Amanda's in charge! Amanda's in charge!"

"Shut up for a second!" Amanda whispered sharply. "Look." She pointed into my dad's restroom. When we looked into the restroom, I groaned, "Oh no!" I saw my mom, lying dead on the floor.

Amanda quickly got out her phone, and dialed 911. She told the police what happened as calmly as she could, but I could tell she was in tears.

A few minutes later, the police were at the scene. One of them walked up to us, and said, "Kids, your mom is up in heaven. We are going to have to call your father."

 After a little while, my dad walked into the house. We were nothing but tears at the time, and I saw that he was in tears also. He suddenly wrapped us all in a great big hug, whispering, "It's going to be okay. It's going to be okay."

It has been about 4 years since it happened. I still remember it like it was yesterday, but I'm happier now. I hope you like my story.

                                                                           The End

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