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on October this new kid named jacob went to a bullied school so the teachers thought he would be a slacker and get a f but no he always got a A+  then October 25th the teachers started to get mad because the priceable made them stay after school and do extra credit work so this is how it happened.  So there was a kid named jacob and it was 3 days from Halloween so he went to school and he gets        bulled a lot   But there was this one day were he got jumped by the teachers cause no one got a A+ but him so he got mad and gabbed a pencil through his arm and he obviously went to jail but on halloween he went home to the basement with friends and played with a luigi board and he got ready to go trick or treating with is friends and fell down the stairs and got knocked out.  So he had to go to the hospital and after that he went Halloween.  and after that he went his friends went to Jacob's house and eat there candy.          but after that they spent the night and they told scary stories and watch a movies and eat popcorn then they told story's again but this time jacob's friend's told him a story.  here is how it went so one day they were waiting for the bus and he said legenad has it the if you go to a 100 year old persons grave and say black angel and white angel 5 times a rose will fell if it is red u will live if it is black u will die and you will have so much days it depends on how much paddles there are.

       after the story they went to bed when they woke up there friends told the bullies the story they told jacob and they wanted to prank him.

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