The Quest of 2 Worlds

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Bright, blinding light burned through my eyelids, making me squint before I could open my eyes. Slowly, I peeled my eyes open, not daring to look into the sun, wherever it may be. Wisps of mist tickled the edges of my peripheral vision and soft colors stained the abundant flowers around my body. The coppery smell of blood and the fresh scent of rosemary wafted into my nostrils, causing me to cringe at the awful combination that filled the air. Underneath me, delicate flower petals pressed into my spine and danced across my skin in the soft breeze, like a fairy beating the tips of its wings on your cheek. Delicately, I brought my hand up to forehead, but retracted it quickly as a sharp pain was now ripping through my skull, my hand sticky with crimson blood. I rubbed my tongue on the roof of my mouth, tasting the same flavor of blood as I had smelled earlier, but this time saltier, as if I had swallowed a mouthful of bloody ocean water. Gradually, I craned my neck to get a 360 of the landscape around me. Littering the once-peaceful meadow, were dozens of bodies, ranging in age from toddlers to the elderly. The most horrific thing to gaze at on each body, were the gunshot wounds that decorated each individual, like too big bloody freckles. Mesmerized by the violence shown by each person, I almost didn't hear the sound of a gun going off to the east. I whipped my head around to the source of the sound, but was unable to see anyone or anything. Another gun went off and this time I saw it coming for me. Awestruck, I sat there gaping, as if waiting to swallow the bullet itself. 100 feet, 50, the bullet getting closer and closer to killing me, seeming more and more as if it was real. The bullet connected with my forehead and it all came crashing back to me, just as the world faded away in a tunnel of black.


I bolted upright in my bed, panting wildly after my Vision. My Vision, an insight to my Quest, a mandatory final exam challenge all 13 year olds must accept. Currently I'm an Undecided, but after the Quest we're placed in grade Divisions, Gold for excellent, Silver for satisfactory, and Bronze for unsatisfactory. I'm striving for Gold, but I guess I'll find out later With all the excitement of Quest Day there's still risks. Being Given is a special risk. It's when the Authorities remove you from your Quest to help better society. Quest Day is just so important and stressful that I try getting it out if my mind. I inhale and exhale, then slide out bed.

My feet sink into the smooth microfiber carpeting and I breathe in the pleasant aroma of freshly cooked pancakes, a smile spreading across my face. Sleepily, I trudge over to my large white closet and pick out a simple outfit . Quest Day is continuously bugging me, gnawing away at my confidence. Inhale blue skies, exhale gray skies, I mentally remind myself.


After a hearty breakfast, Mom drops me off at school, giving me a quick pep talk and a loving smile. A quick scan of the crowd tells me all the Undecideds my age are sick to their stomachs. A gentle breeze blows past as dark clouds roll in. Even though I feel as if I'll die from heat exhaustion, I shiver.

"Boo!" A small voice from behind me teases. Ana. I turn on my heels and scowl at her. We both let out a short giggle, the tension gradually rising. She tosses her lengthy hair over her shoulder, cascading in a waterfall of pitch black beauty.

"Don't do that Ana! You nearly gave me a heart attack." I screech. Casually, I tuck a stray piece of light brown hair behind my ear, not even trying to compete with my friend's hair flip.

"Sorry, but you're just really gullible." Ana probes my stomach with her pointer finger, tickling me. "And besides you were gazing into space again." She imitates me and then pauses. Biting her lip, her eyes wander. "Have you had your Vision yet?"

"Yes. Obviously. It was horrid. Guns and dead bodies." A shiver runs down my spine as I recall the meadow.

"Oh. Well mine was underwater and I couldn't find the surface and all these people were trying to get to the top too and-" Ana stops abruptly again. I forgot. She can't swim and these Visions are actually the World that we'll be in for our Quest.

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