sixteen ; prom night

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S I X T E E N ; P R O M   N I G H T

'you can get married multiple times, but can only go to prom once'

Scarlett stood behind Bella curling her shoulder length mahogany hair, Edward had convinced Bella to go saying that she needed to experience life like a normal teenage girl

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Scarlett stood behind Bella curling her shoulder length mahogany hair, Edward had convinced Bella to go saying that she needed to experience life like a normal teenage girl. A feight that Scarlett couldn't even manage but thankfully Bella had agreed to allowing her best friend do her hair and makeup, with a dress bought by Alice. Scarlett was already ready, dressed in a skin tight red dress that showed off every angle of her luscious body.

Bella hair was done in soft waves, her makeup was done naturally despite Scarletts objections.

"You're really not going with anyone?" Bella wondered, knowing well enough that Scarlett could have a date or ten before she could manage to get a word out. The girl shrugged and brushed her hands over her polished nails.

"Oh Iz, its the 21st century, I dont need a date, I know how to have fun with myself,"

"I know, youre right," Bella conceded, as she clapped her hands down on Bella shoulders.

"Okay, well I think youre all done, ready?" Bella sighed and nodded before Scarlett gave her a hand up since it was difficult with her cast.

"I just want to thank you Lettie, for being by my side and I am so sorry about James and being a complete idiot—"

"Izzie, its okay. And of course I was by your side, I will always be by your side now come on you got a hot boy waiting for you downstairs, get your cute butt down there," Scarlett smacked her back side and sent her down the stairs, waiting a few moments giving Bella her magical 'walk down the stairs' moment. Her eyes looked to the mirror with a sigh her arms and legswrapped in bandages, sure she knew she didnt need a date. But her heart felt heavy when she looked at her best friend and Edward. They had something that she had always dreamed of, something that she wanted so badly but would never admit and she feared that she might never find it.

"Come on Scarlett get it together. Its okay, youre okay," She told herself before tossing her hair back and pushing her boobs up in her dress, giving herself a once over before heading down the stairs. She saw Bella and Edward talking closely to one another as she walked down the stair way. Charlie grinned up at the girl,

"You look amazing Scarlett, absolutely stunning," He told the girl who smiled at him thankfully. Her heart swelled at the man, she had never had a father who stood at the bottom of the stair and complimented his daughter whilst glaring at her date. This was the closest she ever had and she was more than thankful to the man.

"Thank you Charlie," She smiled as the older man took her hand and spun her around, she giggled in delight.

"Well, I guess we're gonna go," Bella said to her father as Edward looked to Charlie.

"I'll take good care of her, Chief, both of them," He told the man who stared at the boy deeply unimpressed and unamused.

"Yeah I've heard that before," He stated gruffly as the Cullen boy nodded and walked out leaving the two girls. "I put a new can of pepper spray in your bag," Bella blushed deeply knowing that Edward could hear her father, she nodded.

"Thanks dad,"

" look beautiful," He told her in their classic awkward way, Bella smiled softly at the man before rushing out of the house. Scarlett looked at Charlie,

"Dont worry, I'll watch after her," She reassured him as he pulled her into a hug.

"I know you will,"


The proms theme was Monte Carlo, there were gambling tables all around, and roulette wheels where the students played for prizes. They had a photographers stand where couples could snap their pictures together. Scarlett waved to Angela and Eric who were manning the DJs table, spinning records while Jessica and Mike danced provocatively with one another. Alice and Jasper whirled around the dance floor, magically with grace. While Emmett and Rosalie sat on the side watching the dancing humans.

Scarlett had barely any contact with the Cullens after the accident, since her mother had been forcefully protective of the girl. Yet, Scarlett had managed to send a few texts to the blonde vampires letting both Rosalie and Jasper know that she was doing okay. The blonde turned and her eye caught the gorgeous ebony haired girl, she waved her over.

"They did pretty good huh?" Scarlett asked as she arrived next to her friend, Rosalie shrugged unimpressed.

"I've seen better,"

"I'm sure you have, like I dont know, the actual Monte Carlo," Scarlett scoffed knowing that Rosalie had certainly seen so much better


"Well, do you wanna dance?" Scarlett asked the blonde who smirked,

"With you? I'd love too,"

Scarlett spent the rest of the night surrounded by her friends, laughing and dancing. Schooling everyone at black jack, and making the boys drool as they looked at her in her dress. All the while unaware that a looming threat stared down at them, a plan in set to take down the Cullens and anyone who allied alongside them. A war was impending yet no one knew, not even the seer.



Short i know but now on to N E W M O O N !!!!! paul and scarletts meeting is honestly so close oh my lord!!!


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