The Save That Brings Love

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So as Heaven Lee was hanging around her sister AJ Lee and her husband CM Punk as they were kissing while Heaven was waiting for her match against Nikki Bella Heaven then said "knock it off you two I can't stand to be around you both when you are in the love mood." AJ then said "come down Heaven we are just kissing it's not like we are having sex." Just then CM Punk said "come on AJ I love having you naked and scream from multiple organisms." Heaven then said "well you two are disgusting me since I only have my vibrator but I wish I could have sex with a guy because I want to feel the pain turn to pleasure and slapping of skin." AJ then said "well now that we have been talking about sex I feel horny so Punk come with me but Heaven I hope that you win your match against Natalya." So as AJ and Punk left but when Heaven was getting ready for her match she heard AJ scream and she figured that Punk had gotten AJ naked and he put his dick into AJ's pussy. After Heaven was trying to focus on her match after hearing her sister scream from having her husband get in between AJ's legs. So when Heaven walked out as she was focused as Natalya was already in the ring as Tyson Kidd Natalya's boyfriend was at ringside but during the match as Heaven fell outside of the ring when Tyson attacked her as Luke Harper came out it surprised everyone but when he saved Heaven when she noticed after Natalya and Tyson left Heaven then gave Luke a kiss which surprised everyone. So when Heaven went back to AJ and CM Punk's locker room as Heaven noticed how Punk had her sister bent over the couch as she saw the handprint on AJ's ass Heaven then said "stop Punk can't you see that you have a handprint on my sisters ass." When Punk didn't stop as he was making sure that his skin was being slapped against AJ's as she was moaning Heaven then said "well now that I can't get the image of you two fucking out of my head I'm going to be in the shower." As Heaven had just got the water temperature set AJ was moaning from her organism when she stepped in under the water as Heaven then stuck a couple in her as she wished that Luke was there to fuck her as she let out a moan. When AJ came in as Heaven was drying off AJ then said "are you okay Heaven because I just heard moaning" Heaven then said "yeah I'm okay I was just fucking myself since seeing you bent over the couch made me hot and bothered but I just wish that Luke was hear to fuck me just like Punk is here for you and having you scream from my organism." AJ then said "don't worry I'm sure that Luke will fuck you sometime on a date." When Heaven found Luke in catering as Heaven found Luke she said "do you want to be my boyfriend because I appreciate that you saved me." Luke then said "yeah I would love to be your boyfriend because I keep having dreams about you and me but also I just want to be able to get you naked and fucking me." Heaven then said "well I'm horny if you want to do it I'm totally up for a little bit of sex." So when Luke took Heaven to a spot where no one could see them as Luke took out his dick when Heaven saw it she said "oh hell you're bigger then I thought but just start fucking me already." So when Luke found Heaven as he pushed himself into her he said "wow your so tight don't tell me that I'm your first." Heaven then said "no your not my first just keep going you feel amazing." After Luke and Heaven had their organisms together Luke said "I can't wait to do that again because you made me feel so good."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2017 ⏰

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