G.VOLT The light that never came

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South side of saint james village,a boy is residing at a apartment near arthur boulevard,he was a simple boy although,he always causes trouble from everyone he meets,especially the girls he dated,they said he was rude enough to let him flatter others,the FAKE smile,FAKE feelings,FAKE everything,no one will ever go close to him due to his harsh nature,not even his so called FRIENDS could help him,not until one day

Friday,February 15,2015,when he walked towards the door to his classroom,he saw a strange looking individual who seems to wait for someone,when that boy took notice of him,he immediately asked,"Excuse me but.....what is your name?" , looking at the boy's expression he seemed to have sleepless eyes,eyebags that seemed to have seen the unimaginable and green eyes that felt like he could control your every imagination,the silence was broken when the other answered,"Me?....well my name is Takeshi" the boy then looked at amazement and spoke "Takeshi huh?, well maybe it's related to my name Tetsuya" they both looked amazed at how similar their interest are but,they know they have different goals, " It seems this boy shall be the next victim of the world's corruption"spoke tetsuya,

Takeshi and tetsuya were always together, in going home , after school ,playing basketball in the community's sport center, everything but everytime Tetsuya got a call he would always disappear leaving takeshi to himself,"Tetsuya is one mysterious guy,I can't unravel the mystery behind his calls?" just as the night of the full moon in the first month he got a strange feeling,Takeshi could feel the clouds giving off a strange atmosphere just as when takeshi was lost in his thoughts tetsuya appeared right before his eyes,takeshi was shocked and exclaimed" WHAT THE!??................WHEN DID YOU GET HERE?" tetsuya calmly answered "just a moment ago did you not notice me?"  " Well the great thing is your here,man there are lots of people in this town" takeshi commented "Well that's just how fast we humans multiply" both of them laughed and continued on walking as the atmosphere worsens, takeshi looked up at the sky and said "hey tetsuya we should go and find someplace to eat I'm starving" tetsuya then looked at his cellphone and said " there is a fast food store nearby let's check it out" takeshi answered " sure why not?" and finally arrived at the door.

Just as they got in they felt uneasy and tired,tetsuya began to speak in a alert voice " It seems they expected us" takeshi saw his "friend" collapsed and stood wearily in shock "tetsuya!?"and finally collapses,just as when takeshi woke up he found himself in the darkness,"I can't see a freaking thing?" he exclaimed,just as he heard the whip smacking on flesh he knew exactly what his place was,it was the biggest nightmare he had when he recollected the memories of the past,The lights were turned on and just as takeshi saw the world he could see his friend being whipped to shreds,his flesh was painted with red by his blood his eyes were covered with a blindfold almost mockingly the executioner was smiling from ear to ear,when takeshi couldn't bear the sight of gore he let out a scream and evidently got captured by the shadows that stood behind him,one shadow whispered " I see you grew into a great boy takeshi" , "I don't need you to tell me that ! you despicable self-ignorant freak" ,cried out takeshi, " well well I also witness my son's first rebellion,ahh the memories" the shadow kept on laughing and finally put takeshi into a circle,"now see the thunder gods power my son" he exclaimed,the incantation went on and the atmosphere outside was raging,this made the incantation louder and more powerful,takeshi screamed in pain like it felt he was hit by a 10000 volts of electricity the screaming went on and the pain went as far as the human endurance could resist,the ritual was over by the command of lightning,"STRIKE THE VEIL AND SEAR INTO THE LIGHT THAT WILL BLIND ALL" , A flash of lightning was struck into the boy's body and the sight of the gore inside the boy's mind was devastating, tetsuya who was now in pain shouted " THE WORLD IS TWISTED MY FRIEND AND I SHALL SAVE YOU FROM IT"an explosion occured and the executioner was fried,takeshi who was half-conscious saw the transformation of tetsuya,red eyes,black hoodie,long hair and a noticable gas mask," I thought he was just a myth,but it seems he is real.....NIGHTMARE"takeshi whispered, Tetsuya then grabbed out his knife,and started to slice every imaginable place possible,leaving the shadow with lots of holes and cut wounds,but there was no presence of blood,only the feeling of torn flesh,everything was so distant from reality through the eyes of Takeshi.

Until the shadow was overcast with the light of the moonlight and finally saw the true form of that ominous aura,It was Zalgo, " I can see why there was no blood present on our battle" Zalgo was smiling with the sight of his creation,looking at his so called SON he was overflooded with pride and boast,"The world shall see why there is disaster when it sealed me away through that dark and burning place"Zalgo commented,preciding with the echoes of his seven mouths,Tetsuya lunged at Zalgo's head but he was too fast,just a second Tetsuya had no wound,but after that dodge he was already full of it, " Pls. Nightmare,You think just because you rule the nightmare realm,means you can over throw a spiritual-being,NONSENSE!??" Zalgo then lunged at Tetsuya and grabbed him with his overflooding aura,cut after cut he was tossed around like a rag-doll,until Takeshi sobbed at the demise his friend was in,He finally broke his sanity and spoke, " I live my life with the sense of hearing other's secrets and how I try to help them..... ,  Lightning strikes surround him both zalgo and nightmare witnessed the awesome power of the god of lightning,just as takeshi opened his eyes once more a mask of light covered his face bearing the symbol of the elder of lightning,he commanded the light to pierce the body of zalgo,despite the light piercing through his formless body nightmare quickly grabbed hold of zalgo's aura due to the illuminating presence of takeshi's new found skill,took zalgo by his night gaze and accurately pierced his sight,laughing at this attempt zalgo threw nightmare to a mounted spear and lunged his body into it,takeshi brought back the light and dashed to zalgo while forming a sword of lightning,recalling how he almost got sent back to his prison,quickly possesed nightmare's body,his appearance quickly changed,his once red eyes started to bleed,his gas mask exhaled a black smoke,and the aura of the night turned into the aura of chaos,takeshi stunned at this sight stopped the blade from ending his friend's life,zalgo laughed and yelled"WELL Son,what are you going to do? will you kill your own friend,right here right now! hahahahahahaha"when zalgo finished this sentence nightmare

told takeshi"don't worry about me just pierce me directly" takeshi protested "but you will die did you forget that!"nightmare spoke in an angry voice"listen I've been your friend for many days now,and I don't give a FUCK about your connection with this creep but I do know one thing, is that FRIENDS will never let theie friends down now come on don't be a freaking pussy and pierce me already!"  "b..but"takeshi stuttered "quick before he tries to get my body out this spear"nightmare exclaimed , just as he lost grip takeshi gave a loud cry and finally formed the sword into nightmare's body

-meanwhile inside nightmare's mind-

Zalgo was lost in the darkness despite he lived in a prison of nothing he couldn't see a thing until the ailence was broken by a voice "Feel my nightmare" zalgo quickly lunged back and exclaimed "I thought you can only do that in the realm of humans"     "Fool...you are inside my mind and what's inside me is something more than an imagination..Its the centre of my nightmare realm"nightmare explained,zalgo dissolving from hellfire was dragged back to hell with the chains of chaos surrounding him and vanished just like the illusion had.

-back in the real world-

takeshi collapsed and was took in care by the medics,nightmare reverted back to his human form and contacted his head quarters,receiving the message he awaited his wounds to be mended 3days after the incident takeshi finally woke up from his sleep and was greeted by tetsuya and another individual takeshi out of curiousity and amazement marvelled at the height this indivirual had he asked "hey tall guy what's your name?" he replies while giving him his cellphone "my name is scott and.you sure are disrespectful"then they kept giving each other insults until tetsuya was annoyed by their insults and opened the curtain "hey you idiots can you keep it down I'm watching anime here and you guys are interrupting me" both laughed at tetsuya's bandaged face and exclaimed that he was a living mummy "seriously,you two get along quickly" then scott spoke to tetsuya" how was the mission? did you find anything yet?" tetsuya answered " not a trace,although we will have a new recruit here" tetsuya answered " then who is it?" scott asked again "its the guy behind you" tetsuya pointed at takeshi, scott was shocked to know that this kid would join their team, "wait what are you two talking about?" tetsuya explained " we are a team who specializes in defeating demons who are beyond the boundary" tetsuya gave takeshi a card "so if I join your team I can get stronger and kill demons" takeshi asked , tetsuya answered "more or less anyway we can become friends with other people who join our team and always stay together what do you say?do you wanna join? " takeshi took the card and exlaimed " Hell yeah "

The end

G.VOLT The light that never cameWhere stories live. Discover now