Moving In

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"Caroline!!!!"her mom called. "I'm coming,I'm coming". "Caroline Happy Birthday!!"🎉 "Awwww thanks mom". "No problem sweetheart". "So today's the day Caroline" says happy. "Yeah"Caroline's mom says sadly. "Mom don't worry I'm going to be fine".  "Ok sweetheart well u better get going and make sure you check in with me."Ok mom I love you. I love you to Caroline.
I went to my black SUV Range Rover happily, I can't believe I finally get to leave this horrid town. Ughhh Texas is so hot!! Caroline thought.
It only took Caroline about two hours top to reach mystic falls, she then realized she didn't know where the Gilbert residence was, so she stopped at a place named MYSTIC GRILL! Wow how corny she thought. She walked in mentally cursing the bells on top of the door alarming everbody that she was here. She quickly walked to the mini bar ignoring everybody's  intense stares. It's a small town they don't know me maybe that's why there staring, she thought. She saw a blonde haired boy with blue eyes coming her way.
Caroline POV
"Hey I'm matt he said". "Hi Caroline" I waved. "Are u new in town I haven't seen you around "he stated. "Yeah actually I just moved here today I'm actually looking for the Gilbert residence."she said kinda annoyed she couldn't find it yet. "Really I'm best friends with the Gilberts I can give you there address if you'd like "Matt said cheerfully. "Yes Please! "Thank you Matt "she smiles and then went to find the Gilbert home.
I Pulled up at a white two story house. Typical I thought, I knocked patiently waiting for somebody to answer, Eventually a dark haired boy around the age 18 came into view and smiled brightly as I smiled back. "Ahhhh you must be Caroline"he said. "Yes the one and only" I giggled. "ELENA!!!!!!!!!!! "Jermey yelled, Elena immediately sped down the stairs looking for any signs of danger but all she saw was her brother standing in front of a pretty blonde haired girl. "Omg jer!! Why didn't you tell me we had company "Elena said quite annoyed at her brother. Elena quickly walked in front of Caroline and tried to compell her (keyword tried!). "Ummmmmm" elena murmured wide eyed that Caroline couldn't be compelled. Caroline could sense their confusion so she quickly explained that she was a vampire to.
After Caroline had went to her room to organize her stuff she went with Elena to the mystic grill to meet her friends. Elena walked in confident with Caroline very happy that she had made a new friend. When Elena had showed Caroline the table Caroline can tell due to her werewolf side she could smell a witch,two vampires and a male hybrid. "Caroline this is Bonnie,witch Tyler,hybrid Stefan boyfriend slash vampire and his annoying brother Damon also vampire "elena said while rolling her eyes at the last sentence. They were very surprised to have Elena just exposed them like that but Caroline quickly stepped in and said she was a vampire also.
After taking about each of there life's and making Caroline feel welcomed, they exited the mystic grill only to be confronted by the famous originals.
"WHAT DO YOU WANT!! "Damon yells. "I just want to have a little chat buddy "kol said. I See a Blonde haired girl coming towards me smirking.
"What have we got here, and who might you be, "Rebekah said. "Sorry I don't really reveal my name to strangers" i said calmly.
Suddenly all heads were turned to me the originals looked at me as if I had two heads and my new friends looked at me the same way.
"Your a feisty one aren't you "kol said suddenly standing right in front of me. From the corner of my eye I swear I saw a dirty haired blond guy staring at me intensely I assume that's klaus I thought. My thoughts quickly got interrupted as I was pushed against a hard brick wall.
A girl came standing in front of me with her hand  tightly gripped around my throat I look over and I see everbody staring at me in shock as if there paralyzed into the scene that's happening it's actually kinda creepy.
I looked her dead in the face and said "I would really like it if you'd remove your hand from my throat your kinda cutting off my air supply a little bit "I said calmly. She gripped my throat even tighter almost snapping my neck, I grabbed her arm and flipped her over at inhuman speed then grabbed her by the neck and asked her why did she do it, but I got no response she just kept trying to attack me, so I snapped her neck and laid her gently on the ground. I looked at all the originals and the "mystic falls gang" to see them shocked."What! "I said annoyed that  they were staring at me. Klaus came forward and said "oh nothing love just the fact that one minute u we're getting strangled to death and the next she's the one that's ends up on the floor "he said  pointing to the temporarily dead body next to me. "She's compelled "I said, "WHAT! "They all said in unison. "She wasn't responsive when I asked her questions and She kept trying to attack me"."Yeah but who would try to attack you care you just got here "elena said confused. "Look guys I need to tell u something "I said looking at all of them with a serious face. "Ok go ahead blondie "Damon said. I looked at him then rolled my eyes due to my nickname. "Guys I'm a...

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