You walk up to something that is green and
cute looking. You get up close to it and noticed
it is a tiny turtle. You then remembered a little
boy saying "I like turtles." On the news. You sat
down by the turtle for a while. "I really want a
turtle.." You said. You then picked up the tiny
adorable creature to your car, and set it on a
little blue blanket. As you got in the front seat,
the turtle got their first. It sits down by you, as
you drive the car. You smiled at it and it smiled
back at you. You pet the turtle very gently on
it's head and it loved the warmth and comfort
of your hand and snuggles with it. "Aw-" You
were stuck in traffic with the friend, as people
honked their cars and pulling up the bird. You
simply admire the turtle, and move on.