One shot - Living With The Walker Boys-Carson's POV

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This is my first ever upload, so I hope you like it. Tell me what you think! :) (BTW, LWTWB IS AWESOME!!!) Thanks for reading!

<3 Natalie

BANG. What the hell was that? Did it come from Mason's room? Yep, there it was again. I better go make sure he dosen't break the house- ever since Zoe left he's been all emotional and dramatic, don't get me wrong, I love the guy, but he can be such a girl sometimes. When I made it to his bedroom door, there was another muffled bang, followed by a string of curse words, that even I wouldn't repeat, and that's saying something. I opened his door to find him sitting against his wall, his head held in his hands.

'Dude, I'm trying to watch TV, can you keep it down?' I was trying to lighten the mood, but it obviously didn't work as he gave me the finger. Wow, if he won't even tell me to f**k off, something must really be wrong.

'Hey, I was just kidding. You wanna talk about it?' I asked, softening my voice. I sat next to him against the wall, stretching out my legs. He shook his head. Damn, I've never seen him this bad.

'Is it Zoe?' It was always Zoe. I could tell it was now by the way his muscles tightened just at the mention of her name.

He let out a long sigh, his voice shaking slightly as he removed his head from his hands and lent it against the wall with a thud.

'She had sex with Spencer.' Say what? Zoe? Sex? Nah.

'Good one dude, but I'm afraid you're gonna have to try harder than that. No freakin' way.' I shook my head fiercely, she was too innocent- she wore a purity ring for crying out loud!

'I'm not joking. Believe me, I wish I was. I saw it with my own f**king eyes, Carson.' No way! He must be wrong, he's just over thinking stuff, letting his jealousy get the better of him.

'Are you sure? I mean, really sure?'

'I'm sure. Spencer answered her damn skype half naked! She was getting f**cking dressed in the closet, apparently. I can't believe it. I love her, Carson! What the hell am I supposed to do? I know we weren't together, still hurts, you know? I love her so much and she goes and does that...with him. I just don't know what to do- what should I do?' He turned to me, bright tears filling his eyes, you could practically see the pieces of his shattered heart. That killed me, seeing him like that, so heartbroken and lost. Not only was he my brother, but he was my best friend, I couldn't give a s**t if Zoe did it or not now, the fact that it was her who had made Mason like this, was enough.

'You ignore her, that's what you do. No, texts, calls, Skype- nothing. She cheated on you Mason, she's a bitch. Forget her.' I hated her now. Even if Mase did forgive her, I never would. Not in a million years.

'What? No, I can't do that.' The tears spilled out onto his red cheeks.

'You have to. Are you gonna let her get away with doing this to you? She practically rubbed your face in it, it was probably her who made that Spencer douche answer the call. She wanted you to know. She's obviously over you, so you need to get over her. Don't let her win, Mase.' I knew it was cold, and it probably hurt for him to hear, but he'd thank me one day. Maybe in a week, maybe a few months, or maybe a year, but he would. It's the right thing to do, cut her out completely- a clean brake.

'I don't know, I just need to sort my head out. Can you leave...please?'

'No problem, bro.Just remember, it's easier this way. A clean brake.' I nodded reassuringly at him,before walking out. God, it was hard seeing him like that, and it was all Zoe's fault. Nothing like this ever happened before she got here, she's been nothing but trouble, I might of kinda loved her once- I might still do. But any good feelings I have towards her are completely over shadowed by the bad ones; hate, anger, frustration, and just plain disappointment. But I couldn't think about her now, not at all, not even if it was about how much I hated her. I needed to follow my own advice. A clean brake, Carson.

A clean brake.

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