It's incredible the passion I feel between us all. The shy smiles and kind hugs, the honest questions followed by tears, but more importantly our bond. Nothing can break that. No struggle, or illness, or fight will ever break that. I dream one day we'll all escape together and never regret a moment of our lives. It'll all be worth it when we run. We'll laugh and the warm feeling in our hearts and lungs, functioning or not, will remain. I love them all, and I fear I'll never be able to describe how. But I feel they know. The common, happy hum of us all gathered together will overpower these anxious thoughts.
Often I've wanted to run when I'm scared. Now I want to run because I've found what I need and I never want to let it go. I'll never let them go.
So Bella, Oscar, Ruby, Damon, Lish, Iskeollllaux, Ele, Ethan, Immi, Urzi, Raph, Ned and everyone I can't begin describe, you've made my life worth living. Worth the daily struggle of communication because when I brace myself against the world, you're there with me. We'll escape together, guitar in hand, in a rainbow Kombi and we'll laugh remembering all that led to this point; the loneliness, the endless nights of crying and the emptiness. It'll be left behind in the lives we abandoned. We'll laugh at how the others thought we couldn't do it, and we proved them wrong. They'll never understand this bond we have, the undertone of content, feeling you've found the right people. And I have.