Secret World

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I close the front door silently and slip on my converse. I walk down the bark green porch steps on my way to school. I generally don't like school except for gym. I am very athletic. I do every sport, archery, soccer, football, basketball, baseball and riding horses. Those are just a few of them.

The wind is blowing by straight, long blonde hair around. I am quite tall, 5'9 to be exact. I am muscular but not unattractively so. I am sixteen years old and my birthday is July 15th. I approach the corner that our school is nestled behind. I get straight A's with no effort. School starts in five minutes or so. I am shocked as I turn the corner. The school is deserted. I jog up to the front doors and pull them open. I use so much strength that I almost fall backwards but I catch myself. I run inside and up the wide halls. The floors are a clean white with assorted colors of speckles. The lockers are all beige. I am about to turn around when I see a classroom with the windows blacked out. Room 371, drama. The drama classroom is circular with white walls. You would never know these things because it is stuffed to the max with decorations and props to see the walls. I stop at the door. I can hear a faint whisper of voices. I slowly open the door and take a step inside. I suddenly appear smack in the middle of the room. There are people in a circle. They all look the same. They have white cloaks on and the hoods cover three quarters of their face. That all have their heads bowed and a single candle in their hands. They are whispering the same thing in some other language. I am afraid now. I wonder where everyone has went. There must be around fifty of them. I look for an escape but there is no possible way out. I decide to stay put and come up with a plan. I generally don't plan things but now seems like a goo time to start. I don't want to aggravate them anymore than I already have. I just stare blankly at them, slowly rotating to look at all of them. Every prop, every decoration is gone. Some of these props were too big to fit out the door though. The floor is glowing silver but where I'm standing is giving of a gold hue. My hair is sticking to my head with sweat and my heart rate is slowly going back to normal.

"What do you want?" I ask desperately. My voice is weak but not childish. The whispering ceases and one of them speaks. They do not actually speak out loud but speaks inside your head.

"You" is all he sys.

"What do you want from me?" I ask, my voice shaky.

"You must come with us."

"Why me?"

" We have not been granted permission to share that information."

"By whom?"

"We cannot say."

I want a sword right now. I have anger issues I am trying to work out but they are just getting worse. I mastered the art of fencing quickly. I suddenly feel a black sword in my hands. It is slim and razor sharp. The hilt is gold and it shines divinely. I throw my shoulder back and my elbow up. I slowly advance on one of the people. He draws a silver sword from his cloak. I come close to him. I can tell he is skilled with the sword, but so am I. I lunge at him and he jumps to the side. He has unreal reflexes. He reminds me of Edward Cullen. He is fast as well. I rebalance and move again this time I get too close. He takes his sword and sticks it in my lower abdomen. I can almost tell that I will die. I pull it out and look down. The wound is healing. I move as fast as I can foreword. I too seem to have super human strength. I take my sword quickly and swing is at his neck.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2010 ⏰

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