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Good evening or whatever time it is when you read this.

I'm going to be posting Freya's Bio and then leaving it for awhile so I can try and finish 'The Truth' which is my other YouTube book, I will be writing this book but the updates won't be as frequent as a few of my other books

I own Freya, Luke and Chelsea
honey_mist_auburn owns Charlotte Malloy


Another Deyes

You've heard of Alfie and Poppy Deyes but have you heard of Freya. Probably not. Freya is the 19 year old sister of the pair of them. She's lives in her own little flat in Brighton but stays with her brother and Zoe a lot, when she's not staying at the Zalfie household she's with her boyfriend but with a baby on the way will things continue to be bright for this 19 year old YouTuber or will things turn pearshaped. Freya been Vlogging since before her 14th birthday but will she decide to pack YouTube in and focus on her and Luke's relationship and the baby or can Alfie convince his sister that she can do both?

This is Freya's life with its ups and it's downs when it comes to her career, family and her relationship

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