Chapter 1

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BAM! Your body hits the cold floor as your cheek begins to sting. You look up at your husband wondering what you couldve possibly done wrong considering you had woken up to a slap in the face from him. "Get up! The Uchiha will be here in an hour!" He yells, eying you laying on the ground with your hand holding your cheek. "You look unpresentable. Hurry up and put something nice on." He storms out of your room slamming the door. Although you and Hachiro were husband and wife you slept in different rooms, not only at your request mainly because of his many concubines. You get up and begin to change your clothes when you notice a black eye begining to form. "Great! Im sure this wont be demmed 'appropriate'" you huff, trying to find a way to cover your eye. "This is hopeless," you sigh, there is nothing you could do about this injury since you had such little time before the Uchiha arrived, you wouldnt make it to the infirmary in time. "Curse my husband for sealing away my justsu" you mumbled, fixing your hair so it covered your eye, exiting your room.

"Finally!! The Uchiha will be here any second! Hurry up and take your seat!" You simply nod and comply to your husbands comand. Within seconds a couple of raven haired males enter the room and take there seats. Your husband stands introducing himself then begins to ramble about how an alliance with our clan will benefit theres.  You shutter feeling someones eyes on you. You look up and see the mans dark orbes staring intently at you. You brush your hair away from your face revealing your black eye and look him straight in the face, almost as a cry for help, since your 'fellow' clansmen choose to ignore your husbands abuse. He slightly gasps then quickly looked away turning his attention back to your husbands speech.

The long raven-haired male stood up and began to walk out, unamused by Hachiro's plea. "W-wait where are you going?" Hachiro yelled. Madara turned around and glared at him with red eyes, "I have no interest in helping your pathetic clan. Considering your peasants attempted to steal our food less than a week ago. This was nothing but a waste of my time and if you dare approach our grounds again there will be consequences."  Your eyes grew wide as no one has ever stood up to your husband before. Hachiro just stood there dumbfounded.

You stood up about to make your leave when your husband grabbed your hand and yelled "This is all your fault you dumb bitch!!" Before he could do anything you escaped his grasp and ran away. However unknown to you Madara had heard Hachiro yell and he decided to hang back before heading home. He saw you running, tears streaming down your face and decided to pursue you.

After what seemed like hours of running you finally reach your favorite spot in the woods. It's peaceful here, the lake stood still as you listened to the sounds of the nocternal animals. You pick up a rock and begin to skip it across the lake, but it sinks before reaching the other side. You see another rock thrown across the lake making it to the other side unlike yours. You quickly turn to your side seeing the raven haired male tossing another rock across the lake. "Just aim a it a little higher than you'd expect. Thats the trick." The man said in a low tone voice. "O-oh...Thanks i suppose, b-but who are you?" You say shyly. "You dont remember me, huh?" "Hmm...thats right you were at the meeting before! I didnt catch your name though." "Madara Uchiha" "Im (Name), its nice to formally meet you Madara, but uhm what brings you here?" You look into Madara's dark orbes, he widens his eyes a bit as you wait for a response. He picks up another rock and his eyes meet yours for a moment. "To be honest, I heard your so called husband yell before I made my leave." You look down and he skips the rock, "I saw you run away crying, Im not sure why myself but i followed you out here." You stare at him with wide eyes as he watched the rock fall into the water just before reaching the other side.

"I see.." you say softly, "Well Hachiro was pretty angry that he didn't get his way tonight Normally other clans dont see through his deception." "Well I am not ignorant like many other clan leaders, and there is no way I will work with a vile man like him." There was a brief silence, suddenly Madara turned towards you. He reached out his hand and pushed the hair that was covering your injured eye aside. You winced a little but as his hands softly brushed the side of your eye. "Did he do this to you?" Madara questioned as he moved his hand away from your face folding his arms. "Nn" you say softly. "Unnacceptable" Madara mumbled under his breath. You look over at him then up to the sky at the moon wondering just how much time has past. "Well i best be going not before Hachiro starts to get angry." You smile at Madara and begin to walk away but he grabs your hand and looks deeply in your eyes. "Meet me here two weeks from now, around 9pm." Without even asking why he would want to meet you again you just nod yes, secretly not wanting to leave his side to return to your husband. He lets go of your hand and you both walk back home.


hey everyone! This is my first fanfic so i hope you like it! Any advice is good advice so let me know what you think in the comment section! Feel free to follow me (i will most likely follow back), and if you like it, i mean why not give me a little heart c: I will update weekly, maybe even more considering how much free time i have. But i will not make you wait longer than a week for a chapter. Also a characters thoughts will be written in italics. Happy reading!

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