The demons that are in my head
Are playing with my head
I can't sleep at night
I'm falling apart slowly
There having an party in my head
I can't think straight without a bad thought
I'm having no energy for anything
Breaking down every night
Being strong in front of all the people I love
Acting as if I'm okay when I'm not
Fighting with my head all the time
People keep telling me it will get better
But when will it all go away?
When will people stop leaving me
When will I actually have a friend there for me
When will I go a day without feeling like a piece of shit
I'm struggling and I have one person helping me.
Why can't I be normal and not so fucked up?
When is it my turn to be happy?
I'm so tired with fighting with my head
I need sleep from myself
But most of all I just want to be happy
And not be so sad all the time
Will my dream ever come true
Will my life be as good as I wish
Or will I forever be like this?
Please can I just get to be happy for once
It's all I want in this world
Poetrydecided after years of writing poems I'm gonna start putting them up please be aware that some of them are sad, there are some happy ones but not a lot.