Equestria Falls

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Twilight was awoken by the screams of Spike. She sped down the stairs and to her absolute horror saw a black stallion with a red crossbow who had shot spike. Twilight's companion fell to the ground. "NO!" Twilight screamed. The stallion laughed and said, "It's only started." He ran from the library and into the night. Twilight Sparkle ran to the body of the dragon, sobbing as she tried to think of a healing spell. "Don't worry Spike." She began. "Just stay awake okay?" Spike smiled and closed his eyes. "It was an honor working with you." It was the last thing he said. She sat and cried for what felt like hours when she felt a hoove on her shoulder. It was her brother, Shining Armor. He had puffy eyes and looked he had been crying. "Twiley." He embraced her and they held each other as Twlight sobbed into his shoulder. The princess's apprentice took a deep breath and asked her brother, "Where is Cadence?" "She's...she...she's dead Discord killed her." He cried and cried as Twilight sat, paralyzed in sadness and horror. "Wait," She asked, breaking the silence. "Discord? How? I thought this was all over! I thought I could finally have a peacefull life as princess!!" Even though she knew how childish and skefish it sounded, the alicorn didn't care. "Twilight I'm so sorry, but we need to go. Before I explain we need to get to a safe house Princess Celestia created after the changeling incident." Twilight Sparkle looked outside and saw complete chaos. Ponyville had been destroyed. People screaming and running from house to house as rain fell from the sky. There were ponies Twilight had never seen before running amok in the town with various weapons. There were sounds of screaming and crying, of laughter and chuckles. "We have to get your friends and take them to the safe house." Shining Armor said breaking the trance. "The elements of Harmony will be waiting for us there." "I'll get Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity. Meet you back at Sweet Apple Acres" Shining Armor nodded, and they ran from the treehouse. Twilight looked back one last time as she headed for Dash's house in the sky.

Twilight got to the house of Rainbow Dash and yelled for her. "Rainbow Dash! Rainbow Dash!" As she yelled her friend ran from her house and flew down. "Hey," She began, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. "I heard the screaming, but figured it was just the rain messin' with me. Are you-" Rainbow Dash's sentence was cut off as Twilight began crying. "Spike's dead." She said between sobs. "Spike's dead, and so is Cadence." "I'm so sorry." Rainbow Dash said solemnly. "We have to go find Pinkie and Rarity, we'll meet my brother back at Sweet Apple Acres with the others. "Twilight, I'm-" "There'll be time for that later Rainbow!" Twilight said, forcefully holding back sobs. "Come on." The pegasus and the new alicorn flew towards the house of Rarity, hoping they weren't to late. When they finally made it, Rainbow Dash banged on the door with her hooves, yelling for Rarity. When Rarity opened the door, Twilight could see that there was a kind of madness in her eyes, madness intermingled with fear. "Rainbow, is that really you? Thank goodness your here!" Twilight stepped out from behind and told her what was happening. Rarity just stood there, horrified. "You have to come with us!" Twilight said in desperation, hoping her friend would be able to run away from her home. "But what about packing my things, and-" "We're not roughing it Rarity, we are going to be at a safe house." Twilight interrupted her, angry at her friend for not understanding the magnitude of the situation. "Well, fine. But we are not leaving Sweetie Belle here!" "You know we can't make another trip! We're getting Pinkie and leaving!" "She's with me! She's back in the shop! I'll get her!" Rarity ran into the shop as Twilight yelled in frustration. She came back with a single bag, and an exhausted Sweetie Belle. "Rainbow, take them to Sweet Acres. I'll be there once I have Pinkie Pie." Rainbow Dash and Rarity ran off, while Rarity used her unicorn magic to carry Sweetie Bell and the bag with her. Twilight flew off in the direction of Pinkie's house. When she got there, the alicorn could hear the sound of laughter coming from inside the house. Twilight Sparkle burst into the house, and what she saw terrified her. The furniture had been overturned and destroyed. The walls had been written and drawn on in what looked like crayon. There were phrases like, "Stick a cupcake in my eye," and "Never break a Pinkie Promise." Pinkie had also drawn things on the wall, but Twilight only got a glance at them before she noticed Pinkie Pie. She was sitting in a corner of the room, ever part of her body twitching as muttering things under her breath. She was surrounded by broken crayons and half eaten cupcakes, and was in the middle of eating another when she noticed Twilight. She stood up and began to speak, "Hi there Twilight! How've ya been?" Twilight began to speak, but was cut off quickly by the mad pony. "I can't think straight! I keep hearing voices in my head Twilight! My Pinkie Sense has gone absolutely crazy! I've been twitching forever!" Pinkie Pie fell to the floor and began sobbing. "It's okay. Shh, shh, it will be okay." Twilight said as she cradled the pony in her hooves. "It's all over Equestria. Equestria has fallen." Pinkie Pie stopped sobbing and became limp in Twilight's arms.

Twilight Sparkle flew to Sweet Apple Acres with Pinkie Pie floating by her side, suspended in air by magic. She looked down at Ponyville, and saw the wreckage of a once great town. Houses were on fire and everypony ran from place to place in madness, and those that weren't running from place to place where crying in the streets. The killers left Ponyville, Twilight thought. They must've ran away when I was at Pinkie's house. When Twilight made it to the farm, she noticed that no one in the Apple family had been harmed. Once she landed Twilight ran to her friends and cried with them, embracing them. Granny Smith walked up to her with a sad look on her face. "Granny," Twilgiht began, "What hasn't anyone here been hurt? The grass barely looks touched." Granny looked up at her with sad eyes and said, "Zecora has been busy at work honey." Right as she finished her sentence, Zecora stepped out from the shadows of the trees, and spoke, "Hello again newly made princess. I was here in order to ward off this sickness. The sickness of evil, that is. The evil of men will turn this town to ashes." She inclined her head to the bottles strung around her neck. Zecora walked away, and continued her work on the farm. Just as Twilght realized her brother wasn't present, Shining Armor appeared, walked through the gate. Twilight ran toward him, when she realized he had a small figure lying on his back, breathing heavily. "Spike!" Twillight screamed, galloping towards the bleeding dragon. He tilted his head and smiled at her, wincing in pain as he did so. "I ran back to the library so I could bring him back here," Shining Armor said, also breathing heavily, "When I got there he was clawing his way towards the door. Twilight, he's been hurt pretty badly, but it'll just take a bit of magic to heal him." Twilight wasn't sure wether to cry or scream or laugh, or all three. With the help of her brother Twilight Sparkle lifted Spike down on to the ground. She and Shining Armor quickly decided on a healing spell, and then proceeded to use it on the injured dragon. Once they had finished, they force-fed him some apples, and drug him into Sweet Apple Acre's farm house. The unicorn and alicorn slowly walked outside, completely and utterly exhausted. A bonfire had been lit, and the siblings went to sit by it's warmth. Twilight noticed for the first time since they had been at the farm, the presence of another pony. Derpy Hooves sat next to Rainbow Dash, fiddling with her wings. "Dash," Twilght began, "What's Derpy doing here?" "Well, you know she's an old friend of mine, and I couldn't just leave her out there, so I took her along with us." Twilight sighed. Just another pony to take care of, and this time a pony that would probably ruin everything they did. "When y'all leave?" Asked Apple Jack. "Hey, you know we can't leave you here Apple Jack. We need you at the safe house, besides Zecora has set up powerful spells that'll probably hold back anything. Right Zecora?" Twilight asked. "Aye." She responded. "Well, alright then. I suppose I'll go with every pony." "Great," Responded the princess, "Shining Armor...what's going on? How has Discord escaped?" Her brother sighed. "Twilight, Nightmare Moon escaped and she's released Discord, Chrysalis, and King Sombra." "Wait, hold on!" Rainbow started, "I thought Princess Luna had everything sorted out with Nightmare Moon! She wasn't having problems." "Yeah, well, she wasn't. Luna and Nightmare Moon have been separated. They're currently two different beings. As to how that happened, we're not quite sure. We think an outside force is interfering, one powerful enough to separate one being into two." Shining Armor looked down at the ground with sad eyes. "S-s-so, who's going to be coming with us?" Fluttershy asked, speaking up for the first time in minutes. Apple Jack spoke up, "I'm sure all of us six are going, and Sweetie Belle too. Right?" Twilight looked around while everyone nodded and muttered yes. Pinkie Pie was the only one who didn't respond right away, she just stared at the ground. Finally she nodded. "Ahm I gonna come too?" Derpy hooves asked. "Definitely Derpy. I wouldn't leave ya here." Rainbow Dash responded, giving Twilight a look fueled with stubbornness." As the ponies thought, Big Macintosh stepped into the light of the glowing fire, and sat down next to her sister. Apple Jack looked at him and asked, "Hey big brother, would ya come with us to the safe house? You could be a lot of help." "Eeyup." He said. Shining Armor nodded in his direction, "Good. So, we have you six, Sweetie Belle, Derpy, Big Mac, Spike, Zecora, and I. Celestia and Luna will be at the safe house, along with another pony that I personally asked to come along." "And who might that be?" Rarity asked. "His name is Dr. Whooves. He's a brilliant scientist who studies time among dozens of other things." They all nodded. Every everypony knew about Dr. Whooves. "There'll be a...well you coud call them a black ops team of sorts, and they'll be here before we leave tomorrow." Shining Armor smiled. "With the kind of training and experience they have, we can't lose." "W-who?" Fluttershy asked. "I'll give you some hints, they're a musical trio of mares." Fluttershy nodded, although she had no idea who the prince was talking about. They finally settled into silence.

Twilight stared at the sky and a single tear rolled down her face. Her life had changed once again, and this time it would effect everyone in Equstria. As Twilight stared into space, she slowly drifted off into darkness, into a deep, deep sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2014 ⏰

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