Card Trick

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            It was a typical day at Nanba Prison. You were in Cell 13 enjoying a manga that was provided by your anime loving cell mate and dear friend, Nico. Currently the cell's other occupents are trying to escape again. You were not really in the mood to run around too much and you are too terrified of the Seitama-looking guard to catch you, so you chose to stay behind. In the silence of the cell, feint memories start to creep it's way into your mind, about how you ended up in Nanba.

You were caught via trespassing on private property; your friends dared you to climb over the fences, but just your luck, there were alarms and before you knew it, was captured. And somehow, through all the prisons you always ended up breaking out or was involved in on until they sent you to Nanba. You actually quite like it here, the food is good and you enjoy the company of your cellmates, though at times it can be quite awkward. You want to know why?

You're a girl. That's right, how bizarre. Honestly you don't mind, at least they treat you right.

Not an hour later you hear footsteps and a lot of whining and chatting. You close the manga to see Hajime, your cell's guard, come in with the inmates you share a cell with.  You smile at them as they come in.

"Wow, that was way faster than I thought." You teased. "Hey (Y/N) !" Nico exclaimed. "Did you enjoy the manga while we were gone?" He continued. "Yes, indeed I did." You replied with a sweet smile as his cheeks turned into a feint blush. He really was an odd one, you enjoyed his company because you both shared the same love for anime. 

"(Y/n), you didn't miss me too much now, did ya?" You turned to see inmate number 11. Though a it of a womanizer, you found yourself developing feelings for him, no matter how hard you tried, you just couldn't find it in yourself to hate him. You simply smiled at his question. "Oh no, not too much, this manga kept me company while you were away." You teased. He simply gave a small chuckle and patted your head and you swatted his hand away, giggling.

-Time Skip-

A few hours had passed after the inmates' escape attempt; Nico was watching an anime as usual and the large muscular number 69, named Rock was busy reading a menu, Jyugo was busy being, well, Jyugo, he didn't really do much else except escape and you were busy playing a poker game against number 11, AKA Uno. Albeit, you were losing miserably.

"I don't get why you always ask me to play with you. I always lose anyways." You muttered half-heartedly. "Well, I guess you can say I like spending time with you." He flirted and you simply sighed. He shouted "Full House!" and you simply put down your hand. "See?! I always lose!" You commented and sat back, folding your arms and made a pouty face. Uno took notice of this while shuffling the deck and asks: "Hey, wanna see a neat card trick?" You looked at him and sighed, sitting back up again. "Fine."

You watched him shuffle the deck. He then held it out to you and said; "Pick a card." honestly, you have seen this trick hundreds of times before, but decided to play along. "Alright." You responded and gently took out a card, looking at it. "Now, put it back into the deck." he says. You obeyed and slid it back into the deck. He then shuffled it again and took out a card, showing it to you; it wasn't the card you chose.

"Uhm..." you started, "This is not the card I pulled out." You felt a bit sheepish saying that. "I know," He simply said "I wasn't looking for the card you picked." You felt utterly confused as a comical sweatdrop formed on your cheek. "Huh?"

"I was looking for your heart." He sayed with a grin, winking at you. You felt a warm feeling traveling through your body and it rested on your cheeks as you felt your heart skip a beat at what he had said and he handed you the card. You looked at the card again; it was the Queen-of-Hearts card.

-Auther's note-

This was my first ever Character x reader thing ;v; Oh goodness... I dunno if I got Uno's personality down right ^^; Hope i did

But anyways, please do tell me what you think and hope you enjoyed it~

Toodles !!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2017 ⏰

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.:Queen of Hearts:. (Uno x reader one-shot FLUFF-ish)Where stories live. Discover now