A Whole New Day!

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Beep beep beep beep!

Your alarm wakes you up. Your mother and father want you to start waking up earlier to "get back into school routine" so you don't sleep in and miss school. Your mother, Kiara, and your father, Jakob, were already in the living room and ready for the day to begin. Your father was on the phone, and you can't help but notice that he's talking about you. Your mother is smiling widely as she watches you step down the staircase. "So, want to hear some amazing news sweetie? Your father is on the phone with the director of True Cross Academy! You're going to transfer there tomorrow instead of going to the old school you were in before!" You look at them with a blank look in your eyes. "Are you freaking serious?! You're taking me out of yet another school?! I just got used to this one! Damn you guys... Why didn't you ask me what I thought about the idea first?! Whatever, I'm going back to my room now. Forget breakfast." You stomp back up the stairs and slam your bedroom door behind you as you enter, and you hear your mother call your name. "Honey, don't be upset with us please... This school will be a positive change for you, I just know it. The school's director is delightful. He says he will let you pick whatever classes you want for about four of the seven classes you have in the day! Just trust us, you'll be happy there." You growl under your breath and you heard her footsteps fade away, showing she left. "Why do they do these things?! I never asked to be moved into some stupid rich kid school... What the hell is True Cross Academy anyways?! I've never heard of it before. I want to stay here with the friends I already have, not have to try and epicly fail to make new ones all over again..." You lay back down in your bed and you look at your clock. Ugh... Only 6:45 AM?! I have a hell of a lot of sleeping to do... You fall asleep and have a very strange, but not quite uncomfortable dream. A fancy-shmancy guy in a white, purple and pink outfit floats from the sky to your balcony. "Well hello my dear! I am Mephisto Pheles, director of True Cross Academy. You must be YN. You'll be transported to the academy by my limousine at precisely 7:00 o'clock tomorrow. Be ready for it darling, this is the opportunity of a lifetime, a whole new life awaits you!" He says with a wink as he jumps off of the balcony backwards and disappears completely into thin air. "What the- Oh what the hell I'm dreaming anyways..." You are awakened by your alarm beeping once again. "Well that was fast... But now I guess its pajamas off, uniform on... Let's start the first day of a new school once again..." You notice a big white box pink and purple ribbons on your dresser, and what you assumed was the school's crest on the tag. You went over and opened it up, seeing a plain and girly uniform with a skirt and vest combo, complete with the standard Japanese school uniform neck tie. You grumbled to yourself and put it all on, including the black platform shoes your parents bought for the uniform. You looked in the mirror and wanted to puke from the bland femininity of the uniform. You grabbed your backpack and suitcases of all your stuff, and went downstairs, seeing your mother instantly start cooing over you in the girly outfit. "Awwwwwwwe my little baby girl off to a prestigious academy like True Cross! Come here you!" She starts coddling you and you bare with it til its over, hugging her amd yourdad back before leaving to live a new life at a new school.

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