Story Of My Life.

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So i guess this is the begginng, My names kellise jefferson, i never had a middle name, My mum says she never found one in time for the birth sertificate, she could only think of 'bonny'.

My life was perfect, well no ones perfect but as far as i remeber it was. when i was like two i think we moved to a new house, me my older 3 brothers and older sister. Zefram, Patrick, Georgina and theodore (theo), my mum(carina) and my dad (bryn). mum and dad never were married but me and zefram we his only two children. Georgina, patrick and theo had all the same dad his name was Andy, i dont have anything to do with him though.

me and zefram were always really close, i guess we did everything together, he was 2 years older than me and i love him, he was such a big softie, always there for me.

Thats when i started to know what was actually happening to me......

My dad, i was about 3 or 4 when i relized my dad was hurting me, i remeber every little thing.

He used to whisper things into my ear, stuff like mummy HATES you, dont tell anyone or mummy will hate you, mummy will hurt you as well, your horrible!, Narsty, spoilt brat.

One thing i never knew that he was hurting my mum as well, most proberly hurting her, threating her. He was sick He was horrible, My mum didnt find out he was still abusing me till i was 5/6 after they broke up. They broke up because he was an achoholic, and he had too many friends that lets just say they wernt nice.

I saw my dad every saterday, and me and zefram would go out with him for the day, because he didnt live with us anymore because when him and mum broke up.

Anyway one saterday we went to the park, i loved the swings. Me and my brother awalys tried going the same speed, we always used to sing snowman song but instead we changed some the words.

when dad used to swing us in the baby swing he used to swing really high and then run under the swing to the other side. i loved when he did that, but when i started getting older he wouldnt do it anymore.

the next saterday we went to the beach, we made a really big castle with a tunnel going through bottem.

dad didnt really pay attention to me an zefram, he was under the shelter with about 10 of his friends, smoking and drinking.

when all his friends went he came over to us and said lets get some candy floss we walked across the concrete steps towards the shop an we saw my sister georgie with her close mate champion, My dad wouldnt let us stop to talk to her so i had a tandram. biggest mistake ever.

when i had a tandram he picked me up, my back on his arms, so me looking up to him, he pushed me down on each side, like tryna snap a ruler. I screamed, cause it really hurt, then he was moving his arms like crazy to look like  tickling me, then he 'Purposley' dropped me down 7/8 concrete stairs. Some-how he made it look like it was my fault, and that i just jumped out his arms cause he was tickling me too much.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2014 ⏰

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