How it all began

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It's been at least 15 years since everything went to shit. I had two best friends who ment the world to me. To be honest the only people who had. Before I met those two, the only person I relyed on was myself. I only really cared for is myself. I wanted to be better than anyone else. I wanted to be worshiped by people, make people do anything I ask them to do. But right now I'm at a jail cell waiting for my fate so I decided to right a diary about mostly me and a little of my best friends. Case you don't know I'm Madison, I'm 28 years old and born and raised in North Carolina. I had a quit a childhood. My Father was a perverted, abusive alcoholic, and my Mother had demented issues. Both of my parents neglected me when I was 10 so it was time for me to be on my own and stop careing and relying on  people who are beneath me. So I was on my own wondering around, finding somewhere to go. So this man came up to me and saw me between couches and said I was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. To be honest at first he looked like a pedalfile, but then I put out a card that was the company of some modeling studio.  I forgot what it was. So we went to this place, their was cameras and shit and it was amazing. About 5 years later I became one of the biggest models in the world and the besutifulist. So my life couldn't be better than ever. I'm have all the attention  and it felt great. I couldn't care or even worried about anyone else i meanwhy would I. I only hang out or be friends with people who are my level. Trashy, dusty, musty, ugly, fat, hobo looking people looking ass does not come near  2 inches from me or even breath the same air as me. Sorry I don't fuck with people like that. Anyways this whole paragraph shit I'm writing is just a reminder what I am and who your dealing with. When people meet me for the first time they do not like me at alll, because their jelly or have no life. Well I guess I'm kinda of a bitch who's honest and tells you what's real and I could say whatever I want cause I don't give two fucks what people think or feel cause thats irrelevant to me. People feeling don't really care for. Cause why should I care about people's feelings, that's their problem. Anyways people say I'm selfish, and self centered like it's fucking annoying and pointless. PS Don't hang out with counts.

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