It all starts with a new girl at a new school but mainlyThere was two girls that did not know there mom was a mermaid they both did not know that they were twin sitters one day they both go To the beach and thought the beach water and then have te...
I can't believe that prom is Olmsted here prom it's supposed to be on Thursday ..... Maybe I should look up on my cumputer all about prom and how it looks like if it's like obtuse angle or 90 degree angle or something like that.I should invite you Alexis. An hour later after school was over I called my mom on the phone ."Hey mom"."How you doing?""oh sweetie I'm doing fine how about you?" " good "."is it OK if I invite Alexis to my house so we could like ............. Make plans for school ?"" Ok honey she can come for 5 hours" " oh thank you mom" " my pleasure "☺️ ok see you guys" " bye" " bye" I hanged up quickly and told Alexis she could come over.we drove to my house and when we got there mom let us have some ice cream." So do you want to go on my Computer about the prom we're having at school?" " we don't need to do that we could just talk right now" we talked a little bit and I got the whole thing about prom (kinda🙃🙄) and then before I knew it when I went to sleep it was tuse day . only two days until prom.i got up and got my good shirt then sentence play like a girl
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I was only thinking of how prom is so cool and I have to talk to my mom about if Alexis can come over again for 5 hours again because I am so confused about this dress thing to .0.0.0 present of getting what I really need to do I am really cufused and I really need to rush I need to ask my mom about the 5hour thing and I am rushing point 4.23(I am making up this smart stuff thing who ever is reading this)and I just want test,sleep,swim,but I am just so ...agggggggggg! I am just going down stars now I I I I
Aggggggggg! "Hi mom" "Hi hone" "What you doing " "Nothing hone" "Wow I really like your hair mom" "What do you want hone" "Wellllllllllllll I really need a other 5hour talk with her you know " "Hone ...oh...oh all right but hone you better not go in the oven or bake anything there stuff in there I don't want you to see ok " " yessss mommm"