I watched out the window looking for the plane Beau was on, waiting eagerly for it to land. I had even asked a woman behind a desk if the specific plane had landed and she simply shook her head. The flight was half an hour late and I was beginning to get worried about him. What if something had happened? I tried to push that thought out of my head and focus on the great moment of finally seeing him again. To take my mind off of this, I went down to the airport's cafeteria and get a drink. After this, I made my way back up to the gate that it said his plane would be landing and sat in one of the seats, drumming my fingers impatiently on the arm of the chair, fidgeting constantly.
Twenty minutes past and finally, after almost an hour of waiting in the airport, his plane landed on the runway. A ridiculously big grin appeared on my face and I stood up immediately. Butterflies were now fluttering around in my stomach and at the same time, I was almost unable to control my excitement. I ran up to the door and stood, slightly jumping from one foot to the other. I hadn't seen Beau in months because of his "#Notaboyband" tour but it actually felt like years. We had been on Skype most nights but it was never the same as him being there, with me, in person. People then began flooding through the door, all looking for family or friends. I was looking for one person in particular. I felt a huge burst of release when I saw Skip's face, knowing that the other four would be following, including Beau. I could barely resist the urge to run through the door and jump into his arms but soon he would be by my side once more. Then his face appeared. I let out a shriek of happiness and excitement, jumping up at the same time. The moment he saw me, he grinned. He slammed his hand luggage into Luke's chest and ran across to me, grabbing my waist and pulling me close to him. He hugged me tight before kissing me. I wanted this moment to last forever.
"Hey babe", he said with a smirk "how've you been?"
"I've missed you so much" I said, tears dwelling in my eyes.
"Can't believe I actually made it this long without seeing you". He smiled at me in admiration and I looked back at him with love in my eyes. I could have stared at him for hours. He kissed me once more until we were interrupted by someone clearing their throat. We both turned and faced in the direction of the noise. Luke.
"I believe this is yours" he said sarcastically.
"Aw yeah sorry Luke, couldn't help myself" he turned to me and winked. I blushed and looked at the floor. When I looked up, he was still staring at me, smiling his adorably soft smile which made me melt inside. He put his hand on my waist and took his bag from Luke and we walked towards the luggage claim. As we were leaving the gates, I thought to myself 'I can't believe he's mine'. He looked back at me and I looked back, our eyes locking. 'Yep. I love him'. I thought, smiling to myself.

Finally seeing him again
FanfictionAfter he's been on tour for months, your boyfriend Beau is finally arriving home...