Music Videos

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A/N: Just because I skipped ahead doesn't mean this book is coming to an end! LOVE YOU!! ;) x





"Next Scene!" The director yelled.

I was on a music video for Adam Lambert.

Yeah, I know!! It's the Adam Lambert.

To be completely honest he's fucking hot. Like I'm not even lying. Sexy even.

I'm still a model but lately I've been in music videos.

I was currently in Adam Lambert's music video, For Your Entertainment. I was one of the dancers and frankly, I was a bit jealous when he touched some girls.

(A/N: I know, For Your Entertainment, was made in 2009 but I'm just making it in 2014 so yeah. lol x Video on the side


I was one of the dancers where Adam did most of his dancing. I was on his left (your, right) and they almost made me dye my hair black but I stopped them.

I actually got touched by him for a while since the director thought that Adams touch was sloppy and my movement was just weird but we managed to get him satisfied. So he had to touch me over and over again.

The dance was hard to learn but I managed too.

"ADAM!!!" Girls that were around me screamed as he looked into the camera and gave a sexy stare. They were the extras but when Adam glansed their way, they ran.... leaving me look like the one who screamed his name.

Hey, I bit my lip to stop myself from screaming so that couldn't have been me!

Adam looked at me and chuckled as I tourned a deep red.

"Do it over again!" The director, George told Adam.

"No Escaping When I Start,

Once I'm In I Own Your Heart-"

"FUCK ME!!!" I girl behind me said.

The music stopped and the girl ran off. Adam looked at me again and raised an eyebrow this time.

I big my lip as I turned a dark shade of red, again!

"Veronica, stop being thirsty!" One of the girls hissed at me.

"I wouldn't be talking Miss. FucksAGuyBehindACurtainEverySecond!" I snapped back.

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