Chapter 1: Be sure to taste your words before you spit them out

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Hello! Thanks for reading my story! This will probably have slow updates, but I have already written 6 chapters. I'll try to find an update times. Enjoy! ~ Kye


"This is it. My our life. Everything is going to be okay. We can live in peace together."

(3rd POV)

His words rang in (Y/N)'s mind for hours. Lies. All lies. He never loved her. He just used her. 


Her awful step-parents and step-siblings had finally started to physically abuse her. She and her boyfriend, Thomas, ran away. They packed their bags and ran.

~Flashback over~

They drove for hours until they reached the new house that they had rented in the quiet town of Woodsboro, California. They started to unpack when Thomas got a phone call. "Oh hey, Brooke! W-what? Haha.. No-no! It's not like that!" He sat down on the couch. (Y/N) went up the stairs to go check out some of the rooms while Thomas talked to this 'Brooke' girl. "Brookie, please." While (Y/N) was upstairs, she listening to the whole conversation. 

Thomas suddenly went into a hushed tone, but (Y/N) could still hear him. "No, Brooke. I don't actually love her. I brought her here so I could do her then leave her. Supposably, there's a murderer that kills people here, so I'll leave her here to die. Then, I'll come back to you, babe." He smiled at the last thought.

(Your POV)

"What?!" I screamed from the balcony upstairs. Thomas jumped and then turned around to face the me. I ran my hands through (H/C), (H/L) hair. "(Y/N)! I didn't know you were listening!" "How could you? All you wanted was to get in my pants?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! I loved you! I trusted you! You were my everything, but I guess 'Brookie' IS MORE IMPORTANT!" I practically flew down the stairs and got up in his face. 

"Get out of my house. Now." I said, venom lacing my tone. "B-but-" "Don't. Just get. Out. Before I strangle you." A weird, crazed smile crawled over my face. Thomas yelped and ran out, fearing for his life. He grabbed the keys to his car and drove away. I sighed, hot tears ran down my face. "Why did it have to be me?" I whispered to myself. "After all I've been through... WHY DOES LIFE HATE ME?!" I threw a pillow down. I laid down on the couch, tears still running down my face. I closed your eyes as darkness consumed me... Little did I know, someone was watching the whole thing...


Please tell me how I did so I know what to do for the next chapter. Make sure to vote! ~ Kye

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