Sorrows and Surprises

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"Gaaaah!" An anger filled cry rang out through the castle at which the Scouts were staying. Anyone who hadn't been stuck in a hole knew specifically to whom the cry belonged to. Eren. The Titan-Shifter. Mikasa stood by the enraged boy, a worried and somber look etched into her otherwise calm and docile face. Too beautiful to bare a scowl, most assumed. Until they voiced their opinions aloud and the blackette silenced then with one venomous look.

"Eren..." She mumbled softly. "I understand how you feel about the horrid amount of casualties, but screaming like a two year old isn't going to bring back Petra or Gunther..." The strong young lady could feel rare tears pushing at the backs of her eyes, threatening to burst forth and journey down her cheeks in hot streams of salt water.

"You think I don't know that?!" Eren growled, yanking at his hair in frustration and aggitation. "If I'd just changed sooner, they'd still be alive! They would still be-" "Dead." Cut in the cruel, monotonous voice of the Captain. Hange, Erwin, and Armin all turned to look at their blunt companion. Levi straightened up from where he stood slumped against the wall, his boots thumping softly as he made his way across the room to where the rookie sat, looking down through shadowed eyes at him. "No matter at point you turned into a Titan, they would still be dead reguardless. That Female Titan would have simply squashed them like insects much swifter in order to worry about her battle with another more threatening Titan. At what point you changed into a Titan wouldn't have made a difference in whether they lived or perished." The Scouts looked down at the ground, unable to help that what Levi said made perfect sense. "However." All five heads snapped up. "When you changed into a Titan would have determined whether they lost their lives in vain. Your timing proved this to be an accurate description."

Eren grimaced, his fists tightening, nails nearly breaking the skin before he stopped. The last thing he needed was to become a Titan and destroy their shelter. "I couldn't just run away while their pain filled screams raped my ears..." Eren murmured. "I watched her smash Petra against a tree....I watched while her popped corpse slid down to the ground, smearing her blood at least twelve feet...." Mikasa tightened her grip on the boy's shoulder.

Levi gazed down at the for a long, precarious moment before breaking away his gaze. "I thought as much. We will just have to make sure we avenge their brutal discharge from this world..." Silence filled the dining room as each of the five scouts watching him nodded, their set aside grief starting to overcome them.

Before they could properly begin to morn, one of the guards stumbled into the room, gasping with bloodshot eyes, looking like a fish out of water. "C-Captain! Sargent! Emergency!" All of the beings in the room stood immediately, forcing back their sorrow to deal with the problem at hand. "What is it?" Erwin demanded, his eyes stern. "A Female Titan!" The horrified man gasped. "I-It stumbled into the clearing in front of the building and dropped like a rock!" Erwin's eyes flared in alarm, Hange's with curiosity. "You mean the one from in the woods?" He demanded. When the man shook his head, their eyes went even wider. "No sir! I-It's a different one!"

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